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14 November 2022 

The Ultimate Guide to Event Sponsorship

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
The Ultimate Guide to Event Sponsorship

The numbers don’t lie: Businesses continue to increase their event investments. In fact, 97% of marketers believe that events are the most effective channel for driving business outcomes.

But let’s talk about the elephant on the trade show floor: sponsorship and sponsor ROI. With the rise of virtual conferences and the influx of in-person events, one thing is sure: growth and scalability will rely on event sponsors. 

However, sponsorship remains one of the biggest challenges for the most seasoned event organizers. Although most event organizers say their top priorities right now are attendee engagement and attendance, 29% said they’re prioritizing sponsorships.

If you’re feeling salty, uncertain, or downright insecure about the future of event sponsorship, we’re here to help. In this guide, you’ll learn the following:

What Event Sponsorship Is

Let’s start with the basics: What does it mean to sponsor an event? A corporate event sponsor is a company that supports an event by providing funds in exchange for something of value. Event sponsorships can include in-kind contributions (e.g., providing a venue, food, or raffle prizes), media sponsorships, and promotional partnerships.

This “something of value” often comes in the form of increased brand exposure, access to attendee data, speaking opportunities at the event, or discounted event tickets.

Ticket pricing strategy have you down? Read In-person, Virtual, and Hybrid Event Ticket Pricing Strategies.

Companies sponsor events in the hope of moving their organizations forward. If your event presents an opportunity for them to do that, you’ll likely be able to secure partners and deliver a stronger experience to attendees. In fact, 33% of businesses spend 21% or more of their total events budget on sponsoring events.

However, not all events will be enticing to potential sponsors. For example, internal events — like sales kickoffs and internal training events — rarely provide enough value to other companies for them to invest in an event sponsorship opportunity. Of course, there are always exceptions. If you have a strategic partner, for example, they may be willing to sponsor an internal event if it helps your company’s reps sell their product better. 

3 Reasons Why Event Sponsorships Are Valuable

We know the “what” when it comes to event sponsorship. But what about the “why”? Why should you spend time and resources researching, contacting, and securing event sponsors? Is it really necessary?

The answer to that question depends on your organization and the kind of event you plan on hosting. But in general, securing event sponsors is worth the effort for three reasons.

1. Boost Your Event Budget

Running an event is an expensive endeavor. Rarely are ticket sales alone enough to break even — at least not while keeping prices affordable. What’s an event planner to do? Simple: Secure event sponsorships. As the events market continues to grow, ResearchAndMarkets predicts that sponsorship will account for the lion’s share of event revenue this year.

This could be because nearly 58% of event marketers believed their event budgets would decrease in 2021. Couple that sentiment with persistent inflation, a looming recession, and an uptick in layoffs, and it appears this trend will continue for the foreseeable future. If these predictions are true, event planners will be even more hard-pressed to find sponsors to fund their events — whether in-person or virtual.

Securing event sponsorship dollars allows you to plan a financially viable event and keep ticket prices down, ensuring more attendees will be able to come. It also means you can provide discount codes and needs-based tickets to folks from different socioeconomic situations. 

According to events on Bizzabo’s platform, more than 25% of in-person and hybrid events are paid versus only 10% of virtual events. The average ticket price for a paid event is $655, but 50% of paid tickets used discount promo codes, and 75% gave a full discount — that’s a free ticket. 

The more sponsorships you can secure, the bigger your budget will be and the more opportunities you’ll create for top-tier speakers, multiple ticket options, event activations, peace of mind, and so much more. 

2. Level Up Your Event’s Credibility 

Be honest: All things being equal, would you rather attend an event with no sponsors or one that Amazon sponsors? Most of us would probably rather experience the Amazon-sponsored event — even if the same company was putting on both events, featured the same topic, and had the same speakers. 

Why? Because Amazon is one of the biggest companies in the world, and if they decide to sponsor an event, then it must be good, right? 

Although partnering with a company like Amazon may be a stretch, securing known and respected brands in your organization’s field to sponsor your event will lend instant credibility and likely increase registration numbers. 

You also don’t have to shoot for the moon with event sponsors. Look at micro-sponsors that have name recognition but may be easier to secure. Stick to companies with the budget, a marketing team, and the means to sponsor an event of your size and format. 

3. Get Creative With Your Reach 

Lastly, sponsors may be able to provide your event with other benefits and perks beyond just money and credibility. For example, perhaps your event partners with a local restaurant. In exchange for promoting their business to all your attendees, they’ll allow you to use their event space and provide catered lunches.

Another perk that sponsoring companies can provide is increased exposure for your event. If a customer of a sponsoring company is browsing that particular sponsor’s social media feed and sees that they’ve partnered with you. Customers may attend your event because they trust the sponsoring company.

5 Ways To Find the Right Event Sponsors

Finding event sponsors isn’t as challenging as it may seem. To secure event sponsorships, you must first find the right companies to partner with. Here are three tips:

1. Know Your Event

First, you must know and understand your event’s particulars. 

  • What type of event are you producing? 
  • What is your overall vision for your gathering?
  • What goals are you hoping to achieve? 
  • What sets your event apart from other events on similar topics?
  • Who are the people attending your event? 

These are the kinds of questions that potential event sponsors will ask you. Think about these as you work on your event strategy. If you know their answers before you start reaching out to brands about sponsorships, you’ll only spend time contacting companies that align with your event.

Also, if you’re hosting the same flagship event year over year or quarter over quarter, express this to potential event sponsors. A long-term relationship can be very attractive for companies looking for consistent, repeatable event sponsorship ROI. 

“Sponsorship sales is a huge focus for us because that’s repeatable revenue that can be renewed year over year.”

Dayna Rothman


Lead Generation for Dummies

2. Understand Why Businesses Sponsor Events

There are many reasons businesses opt to sponsor events — from lead generation to extending their reach. Here are some things you need to know: 

  • Increased social media impressions: Events usually result in hundreds — if not thousands — of social media posts. That means hundreds of opportunities for a sponsor’s name to be shared out to the masses with your event’s hashtag, which means increased followers and brand exposure. 
  • Accelerated lead generation: Many companies are excited to gain more potential customers through event sponsorship. Especially if the attendee demographic overlaps with a target customer base, companies see events as an excellent opportunity to grow their sales pipeline and increase the number of potential closed deals. 
  • Gaining access to specific demographics: Companies sometimes have difficulty tapping into a certain demographic because of limited resources or a general lack of exposure. However, event sponsorships offer a way to reach a specific target audience that may have been inaccessible otherwise. Companies are especially interested in sponsoring events if the sponsorship can give the brand the exposure it needs regarding a specific demographic.

The more you understand what your sponsors’ needs are, the better you can cater your sponsorship pitch to their challenges to secure a deal.  

3. Identify the Right Partners

Rather than spamming every business you find and presenting them with event sponsorship proposals, we recommend that you first identify the kinds of companies that would be a good fit. Then reach out and interact with only those brands.

For example, a company like McDonald’s might not send the right message if you’re planning a virtual summit for medical and health professionals. But a company like Aetna or Walgreens could be a great fit.

At our 2020 (Almost) HYBRID summit, Leanne Pittsford, founder of Lesbians Who Tech, shared how she has built her reputation and her company on her values. She makes every decision, including sponsorships, on whether the relationship will build trust with her audience and supports her message. She even admits to losing sponsorships because they weren’t a good fit for her brand.

Contacting organizations that don’t align with your event brand or don’t have a history of sponsoring events isn’t productive. Doing your due diligence to find the right partners will also save you time and increase your success rate.

Not sure how to tackle virtual event sponsorships? Download our Virtual Event Sponsorship Guide + Workbook

4. Use Online Resources To Find Sponsors

Knowing your event particulars and the kind of companies you hope to partner with is excellent. But you still need to go out and find organizations that fit your criteria. 

One of the easiest ways to do that is to use online resources like SponsorMyEvent or SponsorPitch. These tools make it easy to connect with potential event sponsors and send an event sponsorship agreement if they seem like a good fit. You can also use a tool like Sponseasy to create a sponsorship proposal quickly. 

5. Research Events Similar to Yours 

This last idea is short and sweet but often overlooked. Look up other events similar to yours and to check out their sponsor pages. Suppose these companies were interested in forming event partnerships with those companies. In that case, there is a good chance they’ll be interested in sponsoring yours, too. 

6 Tips For How To Make a Sponsorship Proposal

Now that you’ve created a list of potential event sponsors, it’s time to pitch them. Whether you’re emailing potential event sponsors, hoping for an organic connection at a networking event, or reaching out on LinkedIn. These three tips are essential to your success:

1. Research Potential Sponsors More Deeply 

You know that the companies on your list align with your event’s topic and vision, and each has a history of sponsoring events in the past. Now, it’s time to dig deeper.

The more information you have on each stakeholder and company you plan to contact, the better. Before reaching out to a company, research the following: 

  • Who is the key decision maker? What is their personality type and their contact information?
  • What are the marketing objectives and challenges? 
  • How would sponsoring your event can help them meet their marketing objectives?
  • Do they have the budget to sponsor your event as you desire? 
  • What value would they add to the attendee experience? 
  • What are some potential roadblocks that could come up in the process? 

With this information, you can create a customized pitch that will secure your sponsorship more easily. 

“The north star is always the attendee experience. If you’re not adding to their experience, you shouldn’t be offering that sponsorship.”

Meg Fasy

Founder at eventsGIG and principal at FazeFWD

2. Communicate Value

In the last tip, we mentioned that you should know how sponsoring your event will benefit the company you’re contacting. Knowing this will help you communicate value, which you must do to secure partnerships.

No organization will support your event out of the goodness in its heart. There needs to be an equal exchange of value, and you must communicate this value in your pitch. To do this, make your pitch about the company you’re contacting, not your event, and focus on how the event will benefit them.

Be sure to include the following information in your pitch, too: 

  • The number of expected attendees plus demographics
  • Brands that have sponsored your event in the past and their success metrics (if applicable)
  • Anticipated ROI for sponsors (e.g., potential reach on social, leads generated)
  • User-generated content from past events that proves the value and reach
  • Testimonials and quotes from past sponsors and attendees

Proving value is difficult enough for live events. But it’s even more challenging for virtual ones. If you’re hosting a virtual event, call out the value sponsors will see if they partner with your event and focus on the benefits of a virtual event. 

For example, the sponsorship prospectus for Open Data Science Conference’s Virtual AI Expo includes a section dedicated to why a virtual expo is an even better investment for sponsors.

event communication example

Source: ODSC

“Our north star for sponsorship strategy is the ability to showcase the value of our products to attendees through live demos and thought leadership sessions.” 

Ashley Jenkins

Events manager


3. Ask the Right Questions To Ensure Success

Although you may have done your due diligence in pinpointing the sponsors that align with your brand and event vision, it’s still important to ask some key questions before formalizing anything: 

  • How do you see your organization’s mission aligning with our event and brand? 
  • What are your core company values and key brand values? 
  • What are some key ROI metrics you want to increase through this sponsorship? 
  • What are your main goals as an event sponsor?

It’s possible the “right sponsor” may turn out to be the “wrong sponsor,” and these questions can help you ensure that your values and their values are aligned to achieve your event goals. 

4. Include Social Proof

Social proof in the form of testimonials from previous partners can go a long way toward convincing a brand to sponsor your event. Similar to how we all read product reviews before making online purchases, potential sponsors will want to know whether previous partners had a good experience with your brand and found sponsorship to be a worthwhile investment.

If you can, consider going the extra mile and creating full case studies with your top sponsors. A great example of what this might look like is TED’s case study with long-time event partner Rolex. This asset has helped the annual conference secure other sponsors by showcasing the positive ROI that Rolex has received from the partnership.

“We really try to work with sponsors to achieve their goals while at the same time maintaining editorial independence. A lot of these sponsors don’t just want to have a sponsor sticker slapped onto an event. They want to do something that has a real conversational element to it.”

Mike Butcher


The Europas

5. Build a Relationship with Communication 

The key to pitching and partnering with sponsors is communication. As you begin to work with sponsors, it’s essential to have a common language. This allows you to align on key business goals and outcomes that make both parties successful.

For example, Vasil Azarov, founder of the Growth Marketing Conference, focuses on building mutually beneficial partnerships and co-sponsoring programs. This includes providing them with an outline of opportunities for additional exposure, collaborating on content like webinars, and leveraging a partner to co-sponsor direct mail campaigns and initiatives on the event floor.

Fostering a collaborative environment also helps to maintain good relationships with key sponsors in current and upcoming events.

“The key element of building a successful relationship is to make sure that you’re leveraging your strength to make it a win for both you and your partner.”

Vasil Azarov


Growth Marketing Conference

You can also find software to help you communicate with your sponsors and create a seamless experience for them to work with you. For example, Bizzabo offers a partner and speaker management solution, which makes it easier than ever to manage your sponsors. 

Since relationships play a crucial role in securing and maintaining sponsorships, you’d be wise to do everything within your power to optimize the sponsor experience.

“If times are tough and you have to choose which event you’re going to sponsor, and all business aspects are equal, you’ll pick the one where you have a relationship.”

Meg Fasy

Founder at eventsGIG and principal at FazeFWD

6. Optimize Your Event Website 

Lastly, don’t forget to include sponsorship information on your event website, particularly why companies should consider sponsoring your event. A dedicated page on your site that features past sponsors, past keynote speakers, who sponsors will reach, social proof, and more will offer an additional way for sponsors to feel more confident about the relationship. 

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5 Tips for Better Event Sponsorship Packages

To kick your event sponsorship efforts into high gear, you need to offer different sponsorship packages — there is no one-size-fits-all here!

With the rise of in-person events alongside the continued preference for virtual and hybrid events, your sponsorship packages will need to be even more impressive because it may be harder for potential sponsors to visualize your event and the value they’ll get out of it. Nearly 37% of organizers believe it’s more difficult to provide valuable opportunities for sponsors when hosting virtual events.

Adele Durham joined us on the Event Experience podcast to share some examples of how she’s creating valuable experiences and opportunities for sponsors. Here are five tips to help you craft a sponsorship package that will stand out to your potential partners.

1. Include Different Event Sponsorship Levels

When building sponsorship packages for your event, create multiple sponsorship tiers (at least three), each equipped with different benefits and sold at varying price points. For example, sponsorship levels might look like this:

  • The Bronze Package ($1,000): Your company logo on all event marketing materials, a guaranteed digital sponsor page, a virtual sponsorship gift, sponsor placement in lower thirds, 30-second promo video before the keynote session.
  • The Silver Package ($2,500): Everything in the Bronze Package, plus branded transitions between videos and/or sessions (only 25 available).
  • The Gold Package ($5,000): Everything in the Bronze and Silver Packages, plus a branded virtual lounge named after your company (only 10 available).

The more money an organization pays, the more benefits they receive. You can also create different packages for companies instead of individuals, give discounts when multiple tickets are purchased at once, and more.

Take a look at how Gainsight offered sponsorship tiers at Pulse for Product 2020:

event sponsorship tiers example

Source: Gainsight

This strategy has paid off well for Gainsight. In 2022, the company added a fifth sponsorship level for Pulse: titanium.

But don’t limit your sponsorship packages to what’s on paper. You may have a sponsor who wants something unique — like a case study — out of the relationship. Stay flexible and be prepared to entice sponsors on the fence with something outside the box. 

2. Create Unique Opportunities

There are many ways to add value to your sponsorship packages. Here are a few ideas:

  • Guaranteeing a speaking slot for the CEO of a sponsoring company
  • Allowing partners to put their company names on breakout rooms
  • Including a sponsor’s logo on the swag bags given to each attendee
  • Having polls or Q&A sessions “sponsored by” a specific company

But to supercharge your packages and entice organizations to spring for more expensive sponsorship options, you need to create unique opportunities.

Here’s a great example of how Adele Durham took her in-person ideas and reimagined how she could provide those valuable experiences to her sponsors virtually.

“We have had food trucks at our award events so that when you’re exiting Cipriani, you can get a grilled cheese and some tater tots on your way out. A huge hit. Okay, you’re not going to be able to do that when it’s a virtual event. So, we looked at giving away Grubhub vouchers. So when the event wraps, all attendees get a $15 Grubhub voucher to get their late-night snack.”

The key is to be creative and consider ways to differentiate from other offerings sponsors might be seeing.

3. Make It Clear

Your event sponsorship packages will only sell if potential sponsors understand exactly what they’ll receive once they make a purchase. They’ll also need to know how to become eligible for each package. Here, clarity is your friend.

Start by spelling out every package benefit, perk, and requirement in crystal-clear language. Potential sponsors should never have to guess at what they’ll receive in exchange for a portion of their company’s budget. This is especially true when selling sponsorships for large sums of money.

This example from SaaStr tells sponsors exactly what they can expect and how much it will cost. It even uses visual examples, so sponsors don’t have to guess or imagine what it will look like.

saastr event sponsorship tiers example

Source: SaaStr

4. Exclusivity Sells

Want to sell high-end packages like SaaStr? Make use of exclusivity. 

On the surface, this may sound counterintuitive. If 10 people want to pay SaaStr over $1 million to sponsor the event, why would they only accept six of them?

There are a couple of different reasons.

First, it’s simple math. There’s only so much time in the day and resources on hand. SaaStr (and other companies that offer high-end sponsorship packages) can only provide adequate value to so many sponsors. If they were to let more companies participate, the package wouldn’t deliver as much value.

Second, exclusivity breeds desire. As humans, we always want what we can’t have. And we tend to feel better about ourselves when we have what others want but can’t get. Making your top sponsorship packages exclusive increases the chances people want to buy them.

Another way to use the exclusivity principle is to make certain packages “invite-only.” In other words, companies can’t apply for these limited slots. Instead, they have to be invited to purchase them.

Creating exclusivity is the key — particularly if you’re planning a larger virtual conference. The bigger the event, the more sponsorship dollars you might need. Don’t be too eager to accept every offer; prioritize the best partnerships for you, your event, and your attendees.

5. Make Your Sponsorship Page Enticing and Vibrant

pulse 2020 sponsorships

Source: Pulse

Finally, to increase the likelihood that companies will want to sponsor your event, we recommend that you make the event sponsor web pages on your event website enticing and vibrant. Sponsors care about how their brand is represented. Use rich media elements to make the page and the way sponsors are represented in it, visually pleasing.

Pulse does a great job highlighting event sponsorship opportunities. The annual conference for customer success professions has a section showcasing their top sponsors. Each partnering company gets a featured logo, a bio section explaining what the company does (when you hover over the logo), and links to its website and social channels.

Knowing that their company will be featured on your event website — especially if your website receives a lot of quality traffic — may be the perk that convinces a brand to partner with you.

Virtual and hybrid events rely more on technology than in-person events did previously. More than 50% of organizers believe event technology tools will play a key role in connecting sponsors and attendees both virtually and in person. That being the case, it’s important to find an event platform with the features you need to create a great website and an engaging digital experience to attract sponsors.

3 Great Event Sponsorship Package Examples

We’ve given you tips on creating better event sponsorship packages. Now, let’s look at a few examples of event sponsor promotion from brands who have taken these tips and used them well. Get ready to be inspired.

1. re:Invent by Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS sponsorship package

Source: Data Center Knowledge

Amazon’s re:Invent is a massive cloud computing conference by Amazon occuring every year in Las Vegas that features workshops, keynote speakers, and hackathons. As far as sponsorship opportunities go, Amazon does a great job outlining the exact benefits partners will receive for each of their seven packages and highlighting past sponsor success.

Amazon also does a fantastic job of promoting unique experiences, including access to fun, non-work-related activities like the re:Play after party and a pub crawl.

2. GitHub Universe

GitHub sponsorship levels

Source: GitHub

GitHub Universe is the conference to attend if you work in software development. In 2020, the event was held virtually. On the event’s sponsorship page for that year, GitHub Universe offers detailed demographic information, which includes attendee job types, company types, and location details. This makes it easy for potential sponsors to gauge how aligned a partnership might be. They also include testimonials on the page for social proof. 


INBOUND sponsorship levels

Source: HubSpot

HubSpot’s INBOUND is one of the most anticipated marketing conferences. Founded around the idea of inbound marketing, business professionals from every industry come from all over the world for multiple days of educational sessions, networking, and entertainment.

After pivoting to virtual events during the pandemic, INBOUND was in person in 2022, with prospective attendees given the option of joining virtually if they’d prefer. Ultimately, more than 70,000 people registered for the event, with more than 10,000 attending in person and the rest showing up online. 

In its sponsorship prospectus, HubSpot includes digital mockups that show potential sponsors exactly what their physical and digital opportunities will look like. This is a great example of how to help sponsors be able to visualize what their experience would be like in the event they decide to sponsor an event.

4 Ways To Prove ROI to Sponsors

We’ve covered a lot so far in this guide. But there’s one topic we still need to discuss: proving ROI to sponsors. More than half (54%) of marketers express difficulty in proving ROI. How can you show sponsors that partnering with your event is a worthwhile investment? We have a few ideas, which we’ll examine in this section.

1. Show Event Data

When proving value, the first thing you can do is look to data collected throughout your event. If you’re using event management software, you should have a swath of data to help entice potential partners. Of marketers that are currently using event software, 80% of them don’t have trouble proving ROI.

A few metrics to include are:

  • How many attendees were at the event?
  • How many leads or meetings did each sponsor receive?
  • How many attendees registered or attended sponsored workshops/sessions?
  • If you’re using a mobile event app, how many in-app impressions did sponsors receive?

The answers to these questions will go a long way in proving ROI, making it easier for organizations to realize sponsoring an event is the right move.

2. Present Event Attendee Demographics

Attendee demographic information can add depth to other data points and assure your sponsor that their investment is worthwhile. If a sponsor sees that your event caters to their target audience, they’ll be much more willing to invest in one of your sponsorship packages. 

And as the industry continues to leverage virtual and hybrid events, event planners are seeing even larger audiences. More than 80% agree that greater audience reach is the most positive effect they’ve experienced from virtual events.

3. Display Attendee Testimonials

Just like sharing positive testimonials from past event partners can help you attract new sponsors, sharing testimonials from event attendees can also provide a qualitative aspect to sponsorship ROI. Allow attendees to leave feedback with the mobile event app (if your event is using one) or in a post-event survey.

This example from the HubSpot INBOUND 2022 sponsorship prospectus shows a detailed breakdown of the attendees that sponsors can expect to see. This level of detail allows potential partners to see if their target audience aligns with yours, making the decision-making process much easier.

sponsorship examples
event audience statistic: infographic

Source: HubSpot INBOUND 2022

4. Invest in High-Tech Wearables for Better Sponsorship Data

The best way to prove ROI is to give sponsors instant, accurate data for every lead that engages with their brand at an event. With Bizzabo’s SmartBadge™ — part of the Klik Experiential suite of solutions — event organizers can capture active and passive attendee behavior data. These badges turn sponsor expectations for rich attendee data and ROI into a reality by transforming a passive accessory into an intuitive, interactive asset. 

Additionally, you can take sponsorship opportunities up a notch with gamification through touchpoints, session attendance, or Klik networking.

klik event smart badges

Sponsorship Ideas for Virtual and Hybrid Events

Do virtual and hybrid event sponsorships feel like an insurmountable challenge? We’ve got your back. If anything, virtual and hybrid events have actually born creative ways for bringing sponsorships to life. 

If you want to learn more about the following … 

  • How to create a sponsorship program for hybrid and virtual events 
  • How to ideate and manage creative sponsorship ideas 
  • Best practices for creating a new sponsorship program and prospectus

Then check out Sponsorship Hacks in the way that makes the most sense for you:

How Bizzabo Simplifies Event Sponsorship

Looking for an event sponsorship hack that’ll make onboarding, engaging, and retaining sponsors for future events a walk in the park? 

Partner with Bizzabo!

Simply put, our event experience technology makes life easy for sponsors. For starters, Bizzabo enables sponsors to easily collect and manage leads through smart badges and an intuitive lead capture app, enabling them to launch 1:1 conversations in just a few clicks. Plus, sponsors get near-real-time access to contact information and robust reporting tools that allow them to refine their strategies at the moment and connect with their audience on a deeper level as an event progresses.

At the same time, Bizzabo enables attendees to easily keep track of which sponsors they’ve engaged with, which makes it easier for them to proactively reach out to companies when they need more information or to follow up on conversations they enjoyed.

On top of that, Bizzabo helps sponsors increase event ROI by providing a variety of high-visibility marketing opportunities, including the following:

  • Sponsored sessions
  • Sponsor spotlights in the mobile app
  • Branded offers in the mobile app
  • Sponsored splash screens in the mobile app
  • Promoted push notifications and emails
  • Branded placements on the event website

To learn more about how Bizzabo can help your events team create meaningful sponsor opportunities while making it easier to manage sponsors at scale, attend one of our low-key demo webinars or see exactly what you need to see with a one-on-one demo

Key Takeaways: How To Improve Your Event with Event Sponsorships

There you have it: a complete event sponsorship guide. We shared a lot of information, so please feel free to re-read this guide if you need to. 

Want a quick recap of the most important tips, tricks, and strategies? Here are our key takeaways:

  • Event sponsorships are valuable because they make your event financially viable, lend credibility, and potentially provide your event with other valuable perks.
  • To find event sponsors, know the vision for your event and the benefits you can offer potential partners before sending any of them an event sponsorship letter.
  • When pitching event sponsors, research each company you plan to contact, communicate the value they’ll receive, and include social proof.
  • Event sponsorship packages are essential. Remember to include different tiers at varying price points so that more companies have a chance to participate. Also, create packages with unique opportunities, make it abundantly clear what each partner will receive, use exclusivity to your advantage, and make your sponsorship page enticing.
  • Prove event ROI to sponsors by showing data from your events, presenting audience demographic information, and including attendee testimonials.
  • Finally, make sure to include swag in your virtual, in-person, and hybrid event strategies to engage and delight your audience while providing sponsorship opportunities.

Now you have everything you need to contact potential partners and secure event sponsorships. Want to learn more about how we can help? Attend one of our low-key demo webinars or see exactly what you need to see with a one-on-one demo

Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in February 2019 and has been updated for quality and relevance. 

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