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Get the inspiration you need to design more impactful and human events. By curating valuable event resources like guides, research, tools, and more, we help Event Experience Leaders thrive.

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How CMP boosted exhibitor leads by 315% with the Klik SmartBadge™
The event email marketing strategy playbook
The strategic event sponsorship handbook

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Resource Categories
Maximize sponsor ROI with the Klik SmartBadge™
Back to the future: The status of 2024 event  industry trends
Beyond the bounce: Overcoming email marketing  challenges for event professionals
The event email marketing strategy playbook
Elevating event experiences with  Klik SmartBadges™
The strategic event sponsorship handbook
Show me the money:  Navigating event sponsorship challenges in 2024
No data left behind: Strategies for 2024 event success
Consolidating your event tech stack
Building a 365-day marketing machine to maximize post-event impact
The future of events: 2024 event trends and insights
The event software buyers guide