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8 June 2023 

How To Write a Sponsorship Request Letter (with Template and ChatGPT Prompts!)

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
How To Write a Sponsorship Request Letter  (with Template and ChatGPT Prompts!)

Are you planning an event and need sponsors to support your vision? Securing sponsorships can be a critical aspect of event planning, as it provides financial resources and brand exposure to make your event successful. But how do you effectively approach potential sponsors and get them to respond positively to your sponsorship request letter? 

Knowing how to write a sponsorship letter that will get the right responses is clutch in today’s market. With in-person events regaining dominance, the global event sponsorship market size is projected to reach $127.1 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 3.5% from 2023 to 2027! Plus, with a constant uncertainty looming over the economy, the competition for event sponsorship is stiff these days.

In this article, we’ll guide you through emailing potential event sponsors and provide a sponsorship email template too. So let’s dive in and learn how to craft an impactful sponsorship email and elicit a positive response to get you the event sponsorship support you need in these challenging economic times.

How To Ask for Sponsorship for an Event

Before you start drafting your sponsorship email, it’s essential to have a clear strategy in mind. Here are some key steps to follow when asking for sponsorship for an event:

  • Identify potential sponsors: Conduct thorough research to identify companies or organizations that align with your event’s theme, purpose, or target audience. Consider local businesses and larger corporations with a history of sponsoring events.
  • Understand the benefits of sponsoring an event: Put yourself in the shoes of potential sponsors and think about what they would gain by supporting your event. Consider the exposure, brand visibility, networking opportunities, and positive public image associated with sponsoring an event.
  • Add sponsorship package information to your event website: Be sure to create a page on your website that outlines the sponsorship packages available to potential sponsors. You can also create PDF that outlines each of the opportunities available to sponsors. A great example of an event site with an outstanding and thorough sponsorship page is AWS re:Invent. This page features sponsor testimonials, a video, package information, and more.
  • Determine the appropriate contact person: Find out who handles sponsorship in the company you’re targeting. Look for contact information on their website, or call to inquire about the correct person to address your sponsorship request letter. This will help personalize your email and increase the chances of receiving a response.
  • Tailor your email to the recipient: Craft a personalized email communicating why you contacted the specific company and how their sponsorship would align with their goals. Highlight the benefits they would receive from sponsoring your events, such as increased brand visibility, access to a targeted audience, or networking opportunities.
  • Follow-up: If you are still waiting for a response after a reasonable time, please send a follow-up email. Sometimes, your initial email may get overlooked because of busy schedules. A polite and professional follow-up can remind the recipient and show your dedication to making the sponsorship opportunity successful.

Now that you have a clear idea of approaching potential sponsors let’s explore the step-by-step process of writing a sponsorship letter.

african american woman in a black turtleneck writing an event sponsorship letter on a macbook

Photo by Christina Morillo

How To Write a Sponsorship Letter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing an effective sponsorship letter is crucial to convey your message, outlining the benefits of sponsoring your event, and generating interest from potential sponsors. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you craft a compelling sponsorship letter:

1. Start with a professional but approachable greeting

Address the recipient by their name or job title, such as “Dear [Sponsorship Manager]” or “Dear [Company Name] Sponsorship Team.” Be sure you don’t sound robotic, but don’t greet them like drinking buddies. 

2. Introduce yourself and your event

Introduce yourself, your organization, and the event you are planning. Clearly state the purpose and goals of the event, emphasizing its relevance to the potential sponsor.

3. Highlight the benefits

Explain the benefits the sponsor would gain by supporting your event. Focus on how sponsoring your event can enhance their brand visibility, connect them with their target audience, or contribute to their corporate social responsibility initiatives.

4. Provide sponsorship options

Present different sponsorship levels or packages to cater to various budgets and objectives. Clearly outline each sponsorship level’s specific benefits and exposure, including logo placement, speaking opportunities, or exclusive access to event attendees.

5. Include testimonials or success stories

If you have hosted similar events or have testimonials from previous sponsors, include them in your letter to build credibility and demonstrate the positive impact of sponsoring your events.

6. Call to action

Clearly state the next steps you want the potential sponsor to take. Whether scheduling a meeting, requesting additional information, or submitting a sponsorship commitment form, make it easy for them to respond and engage with you.

7. Express gratitude and follow-up

Close your letter by expressing gratitude for their consideration and emphasizing your willingness to answer any questions or provide further details. Include your contact information and invite them to contact you with any inquiries or discuss sponsorship opportunities.

Now that you have a framework for crafting your sponsorship letter, here is a sponsorship email template to get you started. But don’t hesitate to use AI content tools like ChatGPT to help you craft the perfect sponsorship request letter! 

ultimate guide to AI chatbot prompts for event professionals

Template: Sample Sponsorship Request Letter for Event

The great thing about a solid sponsorship request letter template is that it will work for any sponsorship letter: a corporate sponsorship letter, nonprofit sponsorship letter, business sponsorship letter — you name it.

Subject: Opportunity for Partnership: Sponsorship for [Event Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I’m contacting you on behalf of [Organization]. We’re excited to present our upcoming [Event Name] on [Event Date] at [Event Venue].

At [Your Organization], we are dedicated to [Briefly describe your organization’s mission or purpose]. Our [Event Name] aims to [Briefly describe the purpose and goals of the event].

We believe that [Company Name] would be an ideal partner for this event. Your support would provide exceptional brand visibility, networking opportunities, and the chance to showcase your commitment to corporate social responsibility.

We have created various sponsorship opportunities to suit various budgets and objectives. By becoming a sponsor for [Event Name], [Company Name] would receive benefits such as:

1) Logo placement on event promotional materials, signage, and mobile event app

2) Recognition in press releases and media coverage

3) Exclusive access to our event attendees and networking opportunities

4) Verbal acknowledgment during the event’s opening and closing remarks

5) Opportunity to distribute marketing materials or promotional items to event participants

I have attached our comprehensive sponsorship package that provides detailed information about each sponsorship level and the associated benefits.

I would be thrilled to discuss these sponsorship opportunities further and explore how our partnership can yield mutual benefits. I am available at your convenience to schedule a meeting or have a phone call to address any questions you may have.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support [Event Name]. Your sponsorship would contribute to our event’s success and demonstrate your commitment to our community and its initiatives.

I look forward to collaborating with [Company Name] and making [Event Name] a memorable and successful event. Please reply to this email or call me at [Your Phone Number] if you’d like to discuss further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

[Your Title/Position]

[Your Organization]

ChatGPT Prompts To Help Write an Event Sponsorship Letter

Whether you use ChatGPT or the many alternatives to ChatGPT, here are some prompts to get you inspired and started as you refine how to ask for sponsorship for an event.

  • Suggest 15 companies that would be interested in sponsoring an event focused on database technology.
  • We’re hosting a conference for women in food technology. Can you write an email letter to Jubilee Roasting Company in Denver, Colorado, asking them to sponsor our event? We think our “Chef” sponsorship package would be the best for them.
  • Our company is holding a conference for EdTech startups in St. Louis on March 5, 2024. We want to send out sponsorship requests to some nonprofits in the education space. Can you write an email asking them to sponsor our event?
  • Act like the University of Arizona CMO and write a short, fun email to local Arizona businesses asking them to sponsor our summer series of micro-events for incoming students. Talk about how it will expose new students to their brand and boost awareness.

ChatGPT Event Sponsorship Email Examples

Curious what ChatGPT output looks like for one of those prompts? Here’s the output for the University of Arizona prompt:

Subject: Exciting Sponsorship Opportunity for Arizona Businesses: Connect with Future Wildcats!

Dear [Business Name],

Greetings from the University of Arizona! As the Chief Marketing Officer of our esteemed institution, I am thrilled to reach out to you with an incredible sponsorship opportunity that will make your summer sizzle with excitement.

At the University of Arizona, we are known for our vibrant campus life and commitment to providing an exceptional student experience. As part of our ongoing efforts to welcome and engage our incoming students, we are organizing a series of epic micro-events throughout the summer. These events will introduce our future Wildcats to the amazing local businesses that make Arizona shine.

Why should you get involved, you ask? Well, let me tell you!

Expose Your Brand to a Captive Audience: Picture this: a throng of eager students, fresh-faced and ready to embark on their college journey. By sponsoring our summer micro-events, your brand will have the undivided attention of these curious minds. It’s the perfect chance to make a lasting impression, creating a connection that could lead to lifelong brand loyalty.

Boost Awareness Among the Next Generation of Consumers: Our incoming students are a dynamic bunch, always on the lookout for new experiences and exciting brands. By aligning your business with our summer series, you’ll tap into the enthusiasm and energy of this demographic. Think of it as a fast track to boosting awareness and expanding your reach among a key consumer group.

Stand Out from the Competition: In a world of advertising clutter, it’s essential to find unique ways to make your brand shine. Our micro-events provide a fun, engaging platform for you to showcase your products or services in an environment that’s not just another ad space. Stand out from the crowd and leave a memorable impression on the minds (and taste buds!) of our incoming students.

Join the Wildcat Family: By partnering with the University of Arizona, you become part of our Wildcat family. This means you’ll have access to a network of engaged alumni, loyal fans, and passionate supporters. Our community is known for its unwavering support of local businesses, and as a sponsor, you’ll tap into this incredible support system.

So, are you ready to embark on this wild adventure with us? Let’s collaborate to create an unforgettable summer series that will captivate our incoming students and put your brand in the spotlight.

If you’re curious to learn more about the available sponsorship opportunities or discuss how we can customize a package to suit your business goals, simply reply to this email or give me a call at [Your Phone Number]. I’ll be delighted to provide you with all the details and answer any questions you may have.

Thank you for considering this electrifying opportunity to connect with our future Wildcats. Together, we can create an extraordinary experience that will shape the memories of our students and showcase the best of what Arizona has to offer.

Bear Down and Go Wildcats!


[Your Name]
Chief Marketing Officer
University of Arizona

Hold That Thought: When Not To Send a Sponsorship Request

Although sponsorship letters can be an effective way to reach potential sponsors, there are certain situations where sending a sponsorship email might not be advisable. Here are a few scenarios in which it might be a bad idea to send a sponsorship letter:

  • Lack of research: If you haven’t done thorough research on the potential sponsor, including their values, target audience, and previous sponsorship activities, it may not be the right time to send a sponsorship letter. Without this information, your letter may not resonate with the sponsor and could be generic or irrelevant.
  • Poor timing: Timing is crucial when sending a sponsorship letter. If the potential sponsor faces financial challenges, restructuring, or other business issues, there may be a better time to approach them for sponsorship. Sending a sponsorship letter during such times may be perceived as insensitive or inconsiderate.
  • Incomplete event planning: If your event plans are still in the early stages, and you don’t have a clear vision, objectives, or specific benefits to offer sponsors, it may be premature to send a sponsorship letter. Sponsors want to see a well-defined event concept and a compelling value proposition before committing resources.
  • Lack of alignment: If there is a significant mismatch between your event and the potential sponsor’s industry, values, or target audience, it may not be advisable to send an event sponsorship letter. Sponsors are more likely to engage when there is a strong alignment between their brand and the event’s purpose.
  • Previous negative experiences: If you have had negative interactions or experiences with the potential sponsor, it might be best to reconsider sending a sponsorship letter. Maintaining a positive and professional relationship with potential sponsors is essential, and sending a letter when there are unresolved issues may yield a different response.
  • Overly generic approach: If your sponsorship letter feels impersonal or needs more customization, it may not be well-received. Potential sponsors want to see that you have taken the time to understand their organization and how they can benefit from sponsoring your event. Sending a generic sponsorship letter without tailoring it to the specific recipient can diminish your chances of receiving a positive response.

Before sending a sponsorship letter, it’s essential to consider research, timing, event planning, alignment, previous experiences, and personalization. Considering these aspects will increase the likelihood of a favorable response and pave the way for a successful sponsorship partnership.

By following these guidelines and using the provided templates, you can create persuasive sponsorship emails that increase your chances of securing support for your event. Remember to personalize each email, clearly communicate the benefits to potential sponsors, and follow up as necessary. Good luck with your sponsorship requests, and may your event be a resounding success!

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