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9 October 2020 

Introducing Bizzabo’s Speakers & Partners Management Solutions​

Bizzabo Blog Staff
Introducing Bizzabo’s Speakers & Partners Management Solutions​

From streamlining event operations to delivering a branded and easy-to-use experience, collaborating with your partners and speakers just got a whole lot better. 

A few months ago we announced the Bizzabo’s Speakers Management and Partners Management Solutions in a closed beta. The wait is finally over and these solutions are now available to all organizers.

Event teams are doing a lot with a little. With increasing demands on partnership and content teams to bring top tier speakers and sponsors to events, your day can quickly be eaten up with project management. Every minute spent chasing up a sponsor logo or a speaker headshot is a minute you can’t be hunting the next talent for your event.

Redefine your relationships and your calendar with Bizzabo’s Speakers and Partners Management Solutions.

Bizzabo’s Partners Management Solution

The word partner is no mistake. In 2020, a sponsor is not just looking for an attendee list, they want to partner with you to learn more about your attendees, build relationships, and drive greater business outcomes. However, a partnership cuts both ways, and it can be more than frustrating chasing logos, bios and offers when a deadline looms.

Bizzabo’s Partners Management Solution gives you the tools you need to set up a mutual success plan and keep your partners accountable.

Partner Management Solution

Our flexible and comprehensive solution allows you to set custom tasks with due dates and assign them to the right person for the job on your partner’s team. You can send logo dimension requests out to the designer and special offer requests to the sales team, all while keeping your main contact in the loop on how their team is going.

When you’re satisfied with the deliverables, you’re able to publish their work to your event website, agenda, and mobile app with just the click of a button. No more forms or spreadsheets that aren’t connected to anything, or emails that “get lost in the shuffle.”

Bizzabo’s Speakers Management Solution

After confirming a speaker for your event, it can sometimes feel like they magically vanish into the ether leading up to game day. Your team is trying to produce a whole entire event and is playing email tag with speakers for things like headshots and bios. Meanwhile, your speakers have busy lives and jam-packed inboxes, making it tough for them to stay on top of what they should be doing for the event and when.

With event professionals increasingly seeking speaking talent from across the globe for their virtual and hybrid events, timezone complexities are just adding fuel to the fire.

Bizzabo’s Speakers Management solution gives event leaders the toolbox to streamline their event operations and showcase their speakers in the most flattering light.

Speaker Management Portal

Empower your speakers with a branded and modern portal, giving them the tools to get their profile to shine.

Many high profile speakers require that you work with their management or assistants to coordinate their engagements. With our Speakers Management Solution, you can assign tasks to the right person for the job, before sending it on to the speaker themselves for a final sign-off. Once you’re happy, a single click will publish all their work to your event website.

Increase your productivity and save valuable time

Whether you’ve got a list of excited speakers or hungry sponsors, Bizzabo has the tools you need to save hours of your day so you can focus on strategic event initiatives. Our tools combined with your experience is the perfect equation to grow your team’s capabilities, without needing to expand headcount.

Contact your Customer Success or Account Manager when you’re ready to redefine your content and partner management strategy.

If you’re a Bizzabo customer, you can also learn more about how to use the solutions in the BizzaKnowledge Center.

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