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Event Marketing
7 February 2018 

How to Build the Ultimate Event Marketing Stack

Brandon Rafalson
How to Build the Ultimate Event Marketing Stack

The most successful organizations are leveraging event marketing stacks—comprised of event management software, marketing automation software and other technologies—to drive event success. Are you? 

In Event Tech 2018: How to Build the Ultimate Event Stack, we explore how organizations can craft a powerful event stack to effect positive change at every step of the event lifecycle.

Click the below button to read the Event Tech 2018 ebook today!

Not yet convinced on how an event stack can help you? Keep reading!

What Is an Event Marketing Stack ?

When speaking about business technology, a stack is a collection of tools that are used to achieve a particular objective. As the name suggests, bundling or stacking a variety of technologies allows businesses to achieve success.

For those in the events industry, these technologies can go by several names: event stacks, event technology stacks, event marketing stacks or event marketing technology stack.

For a little more information, check out this quick video:

Why Should You Care About the Event Marketing Stack?

An event technology stack confers a number of benefits on organizations that employ them. Unsurprisingly, the the majority of successful organizations employ an event technology stack. Looking at data from the Event Success Formula report, we see that the majority of marketers from organizations that are overperforming in terms of their business goals leverage event management software, marketing automation software and a sales CRM.

The most successful event marketers invest in a wide array of technologies.

Whereas over 46% of marketers from overperforming organizations annually spend over $5,000 on event management software, only 32% of marketers from underperforming organizations spend the same amount.

Moving forward, the majority of overperforming organizations plan to increase their event technology budgets and to do so more than underperforming organizations.

The most successful organizations plan on investin more in event technology

Overperforming organizations are also able to measure event ROI more so than underperforming organizations (63% vs. 51%). We expect that one of the reasons for this is because overperforming organizations are willing to invest in event technology more so than other organization types.

The most successful organizations have an easier time of tracking event ROI.

The most successful organizations are leveraging an event technology stack to help them move the needle with their event strategy.

In the next section, we’ll explore how an even marketing stack can help your organization.

6 Benefits of an Event Marketing Stack

  1. Unite Your Event Workflow: When it comes to events, there’s a whole world of technology involved. Companies need technology to create event websites, email marketing workflows, event registration and event apps. Organizers also use event technology for site tools to manage real-time surveys,and attendee check-in.
  2. Save Time: An integrated event stack saves you time. Gone are the days of manually importing and exporting. An integrated event stack is built on technologies that can quickly and efficiently speak with one another.
  3. Analyze Efficiently: An event platform can collect all of the data in one place. It can combine registration data with responses to surveys or polls and pull in information on who the most popular speakers were. A platform can connect all of those pieces of data to make it easier to gather insight and draw conclusions.
  4. Act Quickly: An integrated technology stack endows marketers with a wealth of real-time data. Rather than needing to  means that you can act with the best data available at any given moment.
  5. Save Money: An event stack empowers you to work more efficiently and accurately using real-time data. The time that you save and the insights you surface will more than earn back the cost of investing in your event stack.
  6. Improve Security: The more seamlessly your technologies are connected with one another, the more secure your information—and the information of your customers—is. Cutting out the manual connection between one platform and another reduces the amount of information floating around in your systems. The end result is a more tightened and sealed data pipeline.

What Does an Event Marketing Stack Look Like?

Broadly speaking, event tech stack platforms can be divided into four categories: Pre-event, Event Management, Engagement and Growth. In the Event Stack guide, you’ll learn how you can strategically integrate event technology to address all aspects of your event marketing strategy.

  1. Pre-Event: Establish a strong foundation for your event on which the rest of your campaign can be built.
  2. Event Management: Seamlessly manage attendee check-in, attendee engagement and relationships with key stakeholders.
  3. Engagement: Increase the lifespan of your event with follow-up content and outreach.
  4. Review and Optimization: Leverage event data to learn from previous event campaigns and take future campaigns to the next level.

An overview of the PEER model event stack.

Throughout the ebook, you will learn how each of these categories—and the technologies that comprise them—fit together. You’ll also encounter beautifully designed images and expert advice to help explain this technicaly, yet deeply impactful topic.

“We mine our data in Salesforce by looking at topics/categories of interest in order to make our agenda relevant and timely to our attendees. When our session tracks, speakers and session focuses all hit on the needs of our attendees, we are able to give them the best experience possible.”

—Cathy McPhillips, Content Marketing Institute, VP of Marketing

The Power of Event Stack Technology Awaits

Today, marketers are stronger, faster and smarter than ever before thanks to the help of the event stack. Indeed, looking at the data, we see that the most successful event marketers are investing in multiple technologies to drive their strategies.

Download the Event Stack guide today and discover how your marketing technologies can work for you.


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