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10 September 2019 

What Are the Writing Skills Needed for Event Planners and Event Coordinators?

Brenda Berg
Brenda Berg
What Are the Writing Skills Needed for Event Planners and Event Coordinators?

Do you have what it takes to communicate clearly and effectively as an event planner? In today’s competitive climate, writing skills aren’t just a nice-to-have, they’re essential.

The event management industry is one of the most booming industries and easily one of the most dynamic. According to the Event Marketing 2018: Benchmarks and Trends report, 80% of over-performing companies expect to increase event budgets next year. The average increase among this category was $7,500.

Workers in this industry need to be ahead of their game every step of the way. However, in such a prosperous industry, you’ll always be looking for ways to get yourself ahead of your competition.

One of these ways is by developing your writing skills. Once mastered, you’ll open so many new opportunities to yourself that will change the way you work forever. Not only will you be able to enhance the way your business runs, but you’ll also be able to lock down new clients, secure new contracts, and boost your brand’s image.

Today, we’re going to explore many writing skills and techniques you can use to take your work to the next level of success.

Develop Your Writing Style

Do you consider yourself to have your own writing style?

Whether you’re sitting down to write an email, creating an invoice or contacting potential venues, do you write in a bland, monotonous tone or do you speak with vibrancy and enthusiasm?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re working for yourself or on behalf of a company, in your client’s eyes, they’re paying for a service from a business. As an event manager, it’s essential that you develop your own style within your writing.

This could be your own personal style, or it could match the branding and style of your business. Whatever style you choose, make sure that it’s professional and engaging. For tips and advice, you can use online resources, such as State of Writing, to refresh your knowledge on writing styles.

Grace Sander, the event coordinator for Assignment help, continues, “Creating your own style of writing can be a confusing time but, just like anything in life, you’ll be able to master it with practice. Just try to include personality, professionalism, passion for what you do and an individual character that will ‘wow’ your clients.”

Write Effective Emails

Looking back at the Event Marketing 2018 report, most event marketers believe email is the most effective channel for promoting an event (just check out these email marketing examples). Likewise, email and instant messaging are most likely your primary way of contacting your clients and other stakeholders. So, when writing to stakeholders, you need to ensure that you’re communicating properly.

When writing your emails, try to include all the information you can about the topic you’re talking about. If you leave out important details you’ll have a constant stream of questions and an email thread that will never end.

Likewise, you’ll need to analyze your emails.

  • Do they look professional?
  • Are you using a clear and readable font?
  • Do you have a professional email signature and a company logo?
  • If you’re missing these key details in your writing, how can your clients be sure that you won’t miss key details in their events?

When writing emails, try not to go on and on. Instead, refine your emails to a few hundred words, so you know you’re only including valuable and worthwhile information. You can track your word count in real-time using Easy Word Count.

By mastering the art of writing emails, you’ll be able to take your email marketing campaigns to new heights that were previously thought impossible. This will help to bring a lot of new business to your company and will give you the ability to explore new angles and ideas in your marketing campaign.

Try to consider all the emails you write in a day.

You could be writing to sponsors, booking caterers, bar staff, security, attendees of your event, entertainment acts, partners of the event or you may be contacting a venue.

By writing effective emails, you can streamline your workflows and get more done—all while looking better and more professional as a business.

Be Informative

Hand in hand with the consideration above, let’s imagine you’re writing an event proposal to a first-time client. Below is a basic format that you would need to follow to include all the information the client would need, giving them a full package to work from.

  • Summary of the Client’s requirements (to show you understand)
  • Your experience in the Industry
  • What services you can provide
  • Services you will provide
  • Your budget requirements
  • Any final details (such as policies and requirements for using your service)

As you can see, this may sound like a lot of information, but it’s essential that you include as much as possible. With all this information, your potential client has a complete resource to refer to. If your competitors haven’t been so thorough, the chances are that you’ll secure the contract.

Accuracy is Key

If you were to read an article, event proposal, email or any other form of written content that was plagued by errors, not only would it be hard to read, it would also make you and your business look incredibly unprofessional.

Some key things to look out for include;

  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Grammar
  • Sentence Structure
  • Context
  • Language
  • Style

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In everything you write, always re-read it through at least once. If it’s a truly important message, it may be worth reading through twice, maybe even three times to ensure that you’re communicating the message that you want to communicate.

It’s not worth risking poor quality content that can risk you securing a contract. If in doubt, use a professional service, such as Academized, to proofread your work.

Attention to Detail

As you can see from the considerations above, the amount of attention you place on detail is key. When organizing an event, it’s imperative that every single detail is covered and assessed before the event is launched. It’s the only way to guarantee success.

The same goes for your writing. Every word should have a purpose, and every sentence should have a meaning. Pay close attention to the details in your writing, and you can be sure that you’ll always be one step ahead of your competitors. Consider the below diagram from HelpScout

Event Planner Writing Skills - HelpScout Writing Diagram

Final Thoughts

To summarize, there are many reasons and benefits to enhance your writing skills. In the fast-paced world that is the event’s industry, you’ll be able to get ahead of your competition, secure the contracts that you want to work and define your company’s style and image.

As a brief reminder;

  • Practice Your Skills: The only way you’ll get better is with practice. Whenever you get a spare moment, work on your email templates, write a letter or practice your skill in some way.
  • Pay Attention to the Details: Just like an event, a piece of writing is just a combination of lots of little details, parts, and sections that come together to create a complete piece. Read between the lines.
  • Perfect Your Work: To remain professional, make sure no sneaky errors or mistakes find their way through your proofreads, again, adding to your business’s credibility and level of professionalism.
  • Include All the Relevant Information: Save countless hours of writing emails back and forth and re-editing proposals time and time again. Include all the information you need to minimize questions and to have everyone on the same page quickly.
  • Master All Forms of Writing: You’ll do so much writing every day without even thinking about it. From writing emails, invoices, and reports to taking notes from a phone call and creating marketing content, broaden your skillset.
  • Open New Opportunities for Your Business: All this combined will create new and exciting opportunities and possibilities for you and your business. Seize every moment and put in 110% at all times and your event planning company will soar to heights of success you never thought were possible!

Brenda Berg is a professional with over 15 years of experience in business management, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Consultant and tutor for college students and entrepreneurs. She believes that constant learning is the only way to success. You can visit her personal blog at Letsgoandlearn.com

Take your event planning skills to the next level by clicking the below button. Your brain will thank you!

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