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Event Marketing
16 June 2016 

5 Examples Of Event Sponsorship Packages That Landed Big Brands

Kathleen Smith
5 Examples Of Event Sponsorship Packages That Landed Big Brands

Sponsorships have become a financial cornerstone for most events. This is largely due to a discrepancy between the high costs of event production and the need to charge attendees a realistic ticket price or event registration fee. But the business of event sponsorship is changing to help event organizers add a valuable revenue stream to their events and conferences.

The Event Manager Blog’s annual Industry Trends Report suggests that planners must reevaluate the way event sponsorship is handled, because traditional methods are no longer working. Providing great exposure to sponsors “means working together with sponsors that are relevant, personal and add value,” the report says.

Gone are the days when sponsors and event hosts were content to plaster logos on advertising and banners and call it a day. Although signage is still important – the second largest sponsor “want” item according to one survey – experiential marketing and expanding digital platforms are increasingly giving rise to a more innovative approach.

Brands and event planners alike are getting creative to elevate sponsors’ return on investment (ROI) and build truly symbiotic, long-lasting partnerships.

According to Velvet Chainsaw Consulting, today’s event sponsors are looking for customization, connection, integration and ROI.

So, research thoroughly before approaching a new sponsor. Take a hard look at the data and make sure you can demonstrate that you have shared values.  And if you’re confident that similar objectives are part of the equation, don’t be afraid to brainstorm new ways to connect sponsors more directly with event attendees.

The following case studies describe what went into making successful event sponsorship packages between five high-profile brands and five great events. Notice that these sponsorship packages were successful in part because organizers were comfortable providing sponsors with exposure through traditional methods and through digital ones as well.

1. TED and Rolex

TED and its long-time conference sponsor Rolex have worked together since 2007 to underwrite the development of innovative TED media platforms. Rolex was one of the first TED partners to create original branded content specific to the TED platform – a three-minute video that highlighted its history of design and innovation.

 Rolex and TED event sponsorship package

With a launch that coincided with the 2012 annual conference and think tank, TED and Rolex came up with an IOS app called Surprise Me! (calling it “a serendipity engine”), in addition to the usual logo placement.  The app used an algorithm to identify the online Ted Talks best suited for an individual viewer based on how much time they have and what kind of experience they are looking for.

Tip: If your values are aligned, don’t be afraid to propose collaborations that extend beyond an annual event.

2. TIFF and L’Oréal

The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has worked with the international cosmetics firm L’Oréal for several years with a synergy around glamour. Recently, their sponsorship has been focused on the red carpet, the traditional festival access point for Hollywood’s biggest stars, the media and the public. From that nexus, an entire panoply of promotions – social media, live streaming of stars supporting premieres, virtual makeup testing apps, along with more conventional elements such as media placements on transit and billboards and special limited edition TIFF nail polish collections were launched.

TIFF and L'Oreal event sponsorship example

Tip: Sponsors love category exclusivity. Can you “give” them an entire (preferably high profile) event, sidebar or other forum? From there the sky’s the limit for further promotion and profile opportunities.

Work with sponsors to create experiences or provide services for attendees, rather than just handing out products or relying on logos.

3. BlogHer and Sara Lee

BlogHer is an online network of female bloggers with a fast-growing annual two-day conference that attracts more than 3,000 attendees and 100 event sponsors.

In 2010, the conference offered sponsor, Sara Lee-owned food companies, Hillshire Farm and Jimmy Dean the largest booth on the expo floor, an 80-foot by 20-foot kitchen for chef demonstrations, tastings, and a sandwich-making competition hosted by Padma Lakshmi. “They realized the value of having this in-person connection with bloggers,” Erin Groh, who headed up sponsor services at BlogHer, told PRWeek.

The main goal for most sponsors is to build relationships with attendees, and thus Groh has encouraged companies to create experiences that resonate with the audience rather than just hand out product samples. “We counseled them to offer a service to attendees.” As a result Sara Lee was able to also give bloggers a sneak peak of its new products, a valuable opportunity for feedback and connection.

Sara Matheu, director of communications for Sara Lee North America, said, “We came out of it with so many insights, so much amazing content and a great group of new brand ambassadors.”

Tip: Allow sponsors some kind of direct access to attendees. Whether it’s a product launch, data collection or a face-to-face encounter, this kind of interactive connection is of considerable value to all concerned.

4. TechCrunch Disrupt and New Relic

New Relic, a cloud-based software platform for analyzing and tracking data, and they’re proud to be a “nerdy” company.

For several years, New Relic sponsored Tech Crunch Disrupt, which is a series of highly revered conferences for the tech industry.

As a pre-event kickoff, organizers created a “Hackathon.” Participants had a short amount of time to quickly build a cool new product.

TechCrunch Discrupt Hackathon sponsored by New Relic

New Relic provided food and drinks for the Hackathon after party and announced the winner of the best B2B application with a prize that included a MacBook Pro, a year’s subscription to New Relic Pro, and a feature on their blog.

New Relic also tweeted and shared videos of the competing hackers on social media and on their blog.

Tip: Show potential sponsors that they’ll be backing a winner. Awards and competitions can be the highest profile features of an annual event, generating the most excitement, and long-term returns through media coverage.

5. SXSW Interactive and Ten-X

Each year, South By Southwest (SXSW) music and film festival brings together the world’s creative leaders and brightest minds in innovative thinking to Austin Texas.

The online real estate marketplace Ten-X is was first time major sponsor at a this year’s gathering. They are announcing their arrival with the Ten-X Flyaway Contest featuring a prize package for two that includes hotel, airfare and registrations for two to attend SXSW Interactive (another SXSW event).

Tip: Work with sponsors to optimize interaction with attendees even before the event begins and right through event registration. This can take the form of a contest like Ten-X Flyaway, or a link, description or logo on registration and welcome materials.

Next Steps

In the increasingly competitive push for sponsorship dollars, event planners must start to think outside of the box of logo placement and gold/silver/bronze levels of sponsorship.

As with everything else in business these days, event organizers who pay careful attention to the wants and needs of partners, and who are able to both think creatively and prove ROI will be most likely to form long lasting relationships with event sponsors.

For more help on finding, pitching and keeping event and conference sponsors, download a free ebook: Catching The Big Fish: The Event Sponsorship Guide by clicking the button below.

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