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Attendee Experience, Event Marketing, Event Planning & Management
11 August 2023 

How To Build the Perfect Registration with Event Landing Page Examples

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
How To Build the Perfect Registration with Event Landing Page Examples

For event organizers, nailing the perfect landing page is the key to stealing the show. Whether you’re hosting a music festival, a tech conference, or a product launch, one of the secrets to a truly extraordinary event lies in a dedicated event registration landing page.

With a meticulously crafted landing page, you can spark curiosity, excitement, and interest among potential attendees, providing them with all the information they need — ultimately leading to more registrations.

From the event landing page best practices to event landing page examples, we’ll show you the key ingredients that guarantee to convert visitors into enthusiastic registrants.

Keep reading to learn how to make your attendees feel like they’ve won a golden ticket to the hottest event in town.

How To Create an Event Registration Landing Page

Gone are the days when events teams would wonder how to create an effective registration page with all the essential components. Today, AI is your secret weapon for creating content for any type of landing page.

You can now use AI to craft captivating headlines, mesmerizing visuals, and effective calls to action for your event landing page. You can also build compelling and personalized content that resonates with your target audience.

Here’s how to leverage AI and elevate your event landing page, attracting a diverse and enthusiastic audience like never before. 

1. Choose a Captivating Headline and Tagline

Just as a masterful storyteller captivates his listeners from the very first sentence, your headline and tagline should captivate your audience, pulling them into the narrative of your content.

A perfect headline achieves the following:

  • Ignites curiosity about your event
  • Highlights the unique value proposition of your conference
  • Has clear language that resonates with your target audience
  • Encourages them to explore further

The best part? There’s no need to spend hours and hours thinking of an attention-grabbing headline. With AI at your service, headlines are generated within a blink of an eye.

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2. Use Engaging, Inclusive Visuals

Images speak louder than words. Paint a picture with engaging visuals to breathe life into your landing page. Attractive graphics and sizzle reels will stop scrolling visitors and compel them to register for your event. 

To attract more eyeballs, use high-quality imagery that does the following:

  • Highlights attendee excitement from previous events 
  • Showcases electrifying keynote speakers and exciting sessions
  • Is inclusive and diverse to ensure everyone feels welcome
  • Reflects the essence and theme of your conference

3. Write a Compelling Event Overview

The event overview section of your landing page is your golden chance to enthrall potential attendees and drive registrations. Here’s how you can make the most of it:

  • Emphasize key benefits: Begin your event overview by clearly stating the primary benefits attendees will gain from participating. Use persuasive language to highlight the unique advantages they can expect, such as career growth, networking opportunities, or industry insights.
  • State the objectives: Communicate the core objectives of your conference concisely. Let potential attendees know what the event aims to achieve and how their participation aligns with those goals. Show how your conference addresses industry challenges and provides practical solutions.
  • Highlight main topics and themes: Outline the main topics, themes, or tracks covered during the event. Using bullet points or subsections, organize this information clearly to help visitors easily identify their areas of interest.

4. Share Key Event Details

To host world-class gatherings, you must provide accurate and precise event details. There is no room for mistakes. A well-designed event registration landing page should provide all the crucial information your potential attendees need.

Here are some key details to include:

  • Event date, time, and location: One of the primary reasons people visit your landing page is to find out when and where the event will occur. Ensure these details are prominently displayed on the page, preferably near the top, where they are easily noticeable.
  • Prominent call-to-action (CTA): Your event landing page should have a clear and eye-catching CTA button directing visitors to register. Use action-oriented language on the button to entice visitors to take immediate action. The CTA should stand out from the rest of the page and be easily accessible throughout the page’s scroll.
  • Exclusive offers: People love getting a good deal. Early bird discounts or exclusive perks can create a sense of urgency, motivating potential attendees to register quickly. Highlight limited-time offers or benefits for those who register early, such as discounted ticket prices or access to special workshops.

5. Offer a Quick and Simple Registration Process

If your registration process is simple and clear, potential attendees may become discouraged and avoid completing the sign-up, resulting in missed opportunities for your event. On the contrary, a user-friendly and intuitive landing page increases the likelihood of attracting a broader and more diverse audience to your event.

To ensure a smooth and seamless event registration and ticketing experience, implement the following strategies:

A hassle-free event sign-up: Only ask for essential information during registration. The more fields attendees have to fill out, the more time-consuming it becomes. Also, a single-page registration process helps maintain focus and streamlines the overall experience. You can also use visual indicators such as checkmarks or progress bars to guide attendees through the steps. Be sure to display a clear confirmation message after registration to assure attendees that their registration was successful.

  • Compelling and visible CTAs: Placing the CTA button strategically in the hero section, which is the topmost part of the page, immediately captures visitors’ attention and encourages action. Similarly, having a fixed or sticky CTA in the footer ensures that it remains visible as visitors scroll down the page, offering them a convenient way to register at any point.
  • A personalized experience for every attendee: Every attendee has unique preferences and needs, so provide diverse ticket options or registration packages to help accommodate them. Ensure that the registration process dynamically adapts to each ticket type, presenting relevant questions and information based on the attendee’s selection. For instance, you might offer VIP tickets with exclusive access, standard tickets for general attendees, and student tickets at discounted rates.

6. Highlight Speaker and Presenter Information

Build excitement with credibility. People are more likely to register for an event knowing they’ll learn from renowned experts and industry leaders.

Here’s how to showcase your speakers and presenters effectively:

  • List credentials and expertise: Highlight each speaker’s professional qualifications and accomplishments. Include their stellar educational background, relevant work experience, and noteworthy achievements.
  • Spotlight keynote speakers: If you have influential keynote speakers, emphasize their past speaking engagements, publications, or any significant contributions to their field. 
  • Include speaker names and headshots: Display the names of speakers prominently along with professional headshots for attendees to remember and recognize the speakers during the event.
  • Add brief bios: Provide concise and engaging bios for each speaker. Share a glimpse of their personality and passions beyond their work title and professional achievements to create a buzz among the potential participants.

7. Add Sponsor and Exhibitor Information

Give your event sponsors and exhibitors the spotlight they deserve. Include a section exclusively reserved for these contributors, as they are the backbone of your event.

1. Display Company Names and Sponsorship Information

Deploy a list of participating companies, their names, and their sponsorship or exhibitor levels to showcase the esteemed companies chosen to back your event.

Highlight the benefits and perks of each sponsorship level, such as brand exposure, speaking opportunities, or exclusive networking events. This not only entices potential sponsors but also adds credibility to your event.

2. Connect Attendees with Sponsors and Exhibitors

As an event organizer, you must make it easy for attendees to reach out to sponsors and exhibitors.

If your event is virtual or hybrid, consider setting up virtual booths for sponsors and exhibitors. These online spaces allow attendees to browse their offerings, view promotional materials, and initiate real-time chats or video calls with representatives.

3. Add Details on Becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor

Let’s flip the coin and look at the other side: how individuals or companies can become sponsors or exhibitors at your event. To make the sponsorship process smooth and hassle-free, outline a step-by-step guide on how companies can become sponsors or exhibitors.

Include a “Become a Sponsor” or “Exhibit With Us” section on your landing page that directs interested parties to a detailed information package. This package should contain all the necessary details, including sponsorship levels, benefits, payment options, and deadlines. You can also encourage swift actions by emphasizing early bird offers or limited-time discounts.

Additionally, attach a registration form where interested people can express their intent to sponsor or exhibit.

sponsorship hacks creative strategies for the modern events era

8. Feature the Event’s Agenda and Schedule

Take the time to craft this section thoughtfully because this is where attendees get a glimpse of the exciting journey you have planned for them.

To add value for your audience, consider incorporating this essential information:

  • Detailed conference schedule: Your attendees are busy people who need clear, concise information about what’s happening and when. Provide a detailed conference schedule that includes session topics, timings, parties, and networking opportunities.
  • Spotlight on speakers: Speakers are the stars of your event, and attendees want to know who they’ll be learning from. Tie speaker information to each session, showcasing their expertise, accomplishments, and industry influence.
  • Showcase the value: Your attendees want to know: “What’s in it for me?” Don’t leave them guessing. Provide clear descriptions for each session, highlighting the value they will gain by participating.
  • Networking opportunities: People attend events not only to learn but also to build relationships, so make it easy for them to see these opportunities by including dedicated networking events and parties in your schedule.

9. Showcase Attendee Testimonials and Social Proof

Nothing resonates with potential attendees more than previous event participants or industry experts who have experienced your event firsthand. 

To let your credibility shine on your landing page, reach out to past attendees and key influencers to gather genuine testimonials highlighting the value, insights, and transformation they gained from your event.

Here’s how you can showcase your credibility:

  • Partner logos: Display the logos of strategic partners who have collaborated with your event to show that reputable organizations in the industry back it.
  • Sponsor badges: Highlight the logos of sponsors who have supported your event.
  • Media coverage: If your event has been featured in media outlets or publications, include logos and links to these sources. 

10. Don’t Forget Materials To Help Attendees Get Buy-in

The more value and benefits you showcase, your event becomes irresistible. By offering documents with compelling arguments for why people should attend and what they’ll get out of the event, you empower prospective attendees to confidently advocate for your event and gain the buy-in they need.

Create a dedicated section on your event landing page where attendees can easily access and download materials to get buy-in to attend your conference. Use eye-catching graphics and persuasive language to entice visitors to explore the documents.

Top 5 Best Event Landing Page Examples

Check out these five event landing page examples to help you get on the right track.

1. INBOUND 2023

INBOUND 2023 is a dynamic event in Boston that aims to unite a diverse audience to foster innovation, creativity, and community growth. Ticket options include general admission or VIP passes, which offer attendees customized agendas.

INBOUND’s “curated agendas” section prompted us to include this event landing page example in our list. Personalized agendas are an intelligent way to get more people excited about attending the event. This section lets attendees choose their adventure at INBOUND by exploring custom agendas based on their roles, so they can find sessions and content that match their interests perfectly. 

2. MERIDIAN 2023

Meridian 2023, a stellar annual conference, will run Sept. 26-28 in Madrid. The event focuses on “Unlocking Human Potential,” bringing together leaders to explore innovative ways of using blockchain technology to empower people.

Along with captivating visuals, one fantastic feature of their landing page is the speakers’ section, which features influential figures like Idris Elba, Denelle Dixon, and Summer K. Mersinger. A compelling lineup of diverse, high-profile speakers adds credibility and excitement to the event, making it more attractive to potential attendees. 

Also, highlighting the speakers’ expertise builds social proof and increases the conference’s credibility. This section also gives a glimpse of the topics to be covered, helping attendees understand the value they will gain from participating.

3. SaaSTR ANNUAL 2023

SaaStr Annual 2023 is the world’s No. 1 cloud technology event, held Sept. 6-8 in the San Francisco area. It brings together 12,500 cloud and SaaS founders, venture capitalists, and executives for three full days of workshops, mentoring sessions, and networking opportunities. The event features 300+ speakers from leading SaaS companies, 1,000+ investors, and 150+ deep dives and workshops.

The visual appeal and straightforward information of SaaStr’s landing page make it an excellent example. The captivating layout of the landing page is the most attractive aspect to take inspiration from. Festival-style imagery and concise, captivating headlines make exploring the page enjoyable and exciting. The page is easy to navigate, with clear agenda, speakers, registration, and sponsors sections.


TechCrunch Disrupt 2023, the ultimate startup conference, offers an extraordinary conference landing page example. Running Sept. 19-21 in San Francisco, this event is an unparalleled experience focused on founders, investors, and the future of technology, providing them with the tools, knowledge, and connections to thrive in the tech world.

A notable feature of this conference landing page that catches the eye of the visitors is the “Tee Up Your Tech Track” section. Disrupt offers specialized programming tailored to diverse interests. These diverse learning opportunities entice attendees with targeted content and foster cross-collaboration within the larger Disrupt ecosystem.


IMEX America is the largest trade show in North America focused on meetings, events, and incentive travel. This four-day event at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas is Oct. 16-19. 

The event overview is one of the most compelling aspects of this landing page. The page effectively communicates the essence of IMEX America as the heartbeat of the global business events industry. It highlights the event’s significance, showcasing its free admission and comprehensive program. The engaging countdown timer creates a sense of urgency, encouraging visitors to register promptly.

Moreover, the page emphasizes the benefits of attending, such as building business connections, and provides critical event details, including the show dates, location, and contact information, making it easy for potential attendees to access relevant information.

Turn Visitors Into Registrants: Build the Perfect Event Registration Landing Page with Bizzabo

Need an exceptional landing page to get a rush of visitors craving your event? Bizzabo’s all-in-one marketing platform allows you to engage your audience, boost registrations, and easily create unforgettable experiences.

Whether you’re a tech-savvy pro or just starting, Bizzabo’s prebuilt event landing page templates give you a head start. You can also build your pages from scratch, giving you complete creative control. Bizzabo even has some spectacular website designs to help you to think outside the box.

By offering highly flexible and user-friendly templates, we make your life easier. With no coding required, you can quickly design custom, branded websites that leave a lasting impression on your attendees.

Additionally, Bizzabo’s website builder allows you to embed external widgets or seamlessly add our powerful tools to any custom website.

With the right mix of impactful language, relevant information, and engaging visuals, you can lay the foundation for an enticing event registration landing page that truly wows your audience and sets the stage for a successful event.

It’s time to boost your event marketing with Bizzabo and create a visually stunning landing page that aligns with your brand. Whether you choose prebuilt designs or build from scratch, remember to keep the user experience in mind, ensuring a smooth registration process.

Schedule a demo and learn how to take your event registration landing page to the next level to drive conversions and increase attendance.

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