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Episode 62 / September 19, 2022

Episode 62: Event Sponsorship Hacks: Creative Strategies for the Modern Era

Ashley Jenkins, Meg Fasy, and Brent Turner discuss fresh strategies and get guidance for attracting new sponsors and retaining current ones.

Shownotes: Season 3, Episode 12: Ashley Jenkins, Meg Fasy, and Brent Turner

Event sponsorship has always been challenging for event organizers, and virtual and hybrid events have made sponsorship even more challenging. In this episode, you’ll hear about innovative sponsorship strategies for modern events — no matter the format. 

Ashley Jenkins is the Events Manager at Miro and Meg Fasy is the Founder of eventsGIG and FazeFWD. Their conversation is moderated by Brent Turner, Executive Vice President of Strategy and Solutions at Opus Agency.

Here’s just some of what you’ll hear about in this conversation:

  • How to create a sponsorship program for hybrid and virtual events 
  • How to ideate and manage creative sponsorship ideas 
  • Best practices for creating a new sponsorship program and prospectus

Mentioned in This Episode


[00:00:00] Chaviva Gordon-Bennett: Welcome to Event Experience by Bizzabo, the podcast where we bring the best and brightest Event Experience Leaders together to share stories, tips, and lessons learned from creating some of the world’s biggest events. I’m Chaviva Gordon-Bennett, senior editorial content manager here at Bizzabo.

[00:00:23] This week on the podcast, we’re hosting a conversation about sponsorship strategies for virtual hybrid and in-person events with Devin Cleary, Ashley Jenkins, Meg Fasy, and Brent Turner. Devin is the VP of global events here at Bizzabo, Ashley is the events manager at Miro, and Meg is founder of eventsGIG and FazeFWD. Their conversation is moderated by Brent, who’s the executive vice president of strategy and solutions at Opus Agency. In this episode, Devin, Ashley, Meg, and Brent share actionable tips to help you rethink your sponsorship framework and create value for your event sponsor. They cover everything from data and pricing to trends and new sponsorship opportunities you may not have thought of. So let’s jump right in. Here’s Devin, Ashley, Meg, and Brent. 

[00:01:18] Devin Cleary: So I am honored to introduce the moderator of today’s panel discussion, Brent Turner, as the head of strategy for Opus. Brent and his team drive event and experiential marketing programs for enterprise-scale global brands, worldwide.

[00:01:35] Prior to joining Opus, Brent was the chief digital officer inside MIT. He’s held executive leadership positions at Ogilvy, Cramer, and Boathouse and has successfully survived two startup-to-IPO adventures. Brent, it is amazing to have you today. Thank you so much for the time. And the floor is yours.

[00:01:58] Brent Turner: Thank you, Devin. I am joined by two people who you’ll enjoy hearing a lot more from. 

[00:02:08] First up is Ashley from Miro. If. If you don’t know what Miro is, you probably haven’t been working collaboratively over the years. 

[00:02:26] Brent Turner: Miro is a virtual whiteboard, and they’ve been through hyper growth, especially over these last two years. And what I love about Ashley’s background is she joined Miro to run events in September of 2020. So she’s been in it with them, in the throes, running things like their large user conference and more. We’re gonna be hearing more from Ashley, both on what it is like to put on events as a brand, but also as she’s considering with the sponsor.

[00:02:47] And No. 2 is our friend Meg Fasy.

[00:02:49] Now, if you don’t know Meg, there’s a chance you don’t actually work in events. She seems to know absolutely everybody in this space. She runs a team called Space Forward that focuses on partnering with brands on sales and marketing and driving the design of prospectus. So, Meg: Hybrid sponsorship…what does it mean to you? 

[00:03:10] Meg Fasy: Yeah, that’s a good question. Cuz it means something different to everyone, right? So I look at hybrid as kind of a made-up word, because to have a hybrid event is really like having two separate events. Because often you have two separate budgets and the content may be different and you need more staff to run to. So really, hybrid to me is two very different events. But there are hybrid sponsorships. And I think we’re gonna talk about that a little later, but it’s interesting to see how different people at different organizations are looking at hybrid right now.

[00:03:53] Brent Turner: So, where Meg was just setting the stage for us, I’m going to come over to you, Ashley, and then we’re going to go on this journey from strategy to design into the sales side. So everybody following along sort of knows how we’re going to go through these questions. And then the second is we’re going to go back and forth between being a brand and a sponsor. So we’re going to look at both sides. So while Meg just set it up, let’s now go over to you, Ashley.

[00:04:29] As a sponsor, when you are thinking about your strategy and you’re evaluating hybrid events, what are you finding to be the most valuable for you? Especially in that digital side versus that in-person side. Out the gate, strategy. What is most valuable to you as you’re considering sponsorship?

[00:04:48] Ashley Jenkins: I think some of the first things I look at when I’m looking at a hybrid event is the format. As Meg was alluding to, there’s a lot of different ways that you can do a hybrid event. Sometimes that takes place at the same time concurrently where there’s an in-person event. And then the virtual is taking place at the same time.

[00:05:09] I’ve also seen it proposed where events are taking place in person, and then the next week they do either a replay or video recap virtually. Exposure for sure. How can I get as many people in front of our company? And our product is something that I take to heart very well. Even just the event platform. As you know, we’ve been working on tons of different event platforms. So you know the good ones, you know the bad ones and the ones that can really help you showcase your product the most.

[00:05:43] We really want to make sure that people can try our product and see it. So opportunities to do a demo or be a part of the programming is something that’s super important for us when we’re evaluating hybrid events. 

[00:05:59] Meg Fasy: Yeah. And Ashley, I think you said something really important: ‘Where is the focus on an event?’

[00:06:07] Is the focus on an in-person event with a smaller, less robust virtual component? Or is it a pretty robust virtual with maybe a small couple hundred people in person? And the focus isn’t based on how many people. Because we’ve seen you almost always get more people in virtual.

[00:06:30] It’s really about where you’re putting your content and how the organization is creating the experience. I work with a group right now where they have a very robust in-person event and they have a not-so-robust virtual. They’re doing it as a content depository. We look at creating sponsorship very differently in that scenario. Because again, audiences are going to consume that in a very different way.

[00:07:07] Brent Turner: We’re going to give quick shoutouts here for Alan and Wayne in the asked speaker tool. We’re already getting some questions coming in. I’m going to roll through some more questions for Ashley and Meg, and then we’re going to start pulling them. So those of you who’ve added questions, we’re going to come to your questions in about 15 minutes. I need to get a few more level-set questions here. Should we shift into the design side? So hybrid, right? You both were dancing into the world of hybrid. Let’s now get into the brass tacks of designing the hybrid sponsorship prospectus.

[00:07:48] We were just asking Ashley, where is the value on her end? So Meg, when we’re thinking about designing these sponsorship prospectus, when you’re thinking about how to create unique value, how are you thinking of it now in this hybrid world of digital and in person?

[00:08:06] Meg Fasy: So again, the question is how much are you doing in both? And let’s just assume for this conversation that you have a robust in-person and a robust virtual experience. I do three different areas in a prospectus when I have this opportunity. So I will have in-person opportunities only, I will create digital opportunities only, and then I’ll create hybrid opportunities. I would maybe create an opportunity where, for a breakout session that’s in person, we can bring in the audience where they really are able to participate and not just view it. So again, it’s the same content, but they’re consuming it a little differently. I like to offer all three options. 

[00:08:58] Brent Turner: And so my next question for you was going to be challenges.

[00:09:03] Meg Fasy: Oh, there are a lot of challenges. 

[00:09:04] Brent Turner: Offering three feels complex.

[00:09:10] Meg Fasy: It’s complex, but it’s really what makes sense. Because when you’re talking about, in this scenario, we’re running two full events at the same time. So some people only want the in-person, some people only want the virtual, there are organizations that will only exhibit in person. So how do I offer a hybrid if they’re not interested in virtual or the other way around?

[00:09:42] So this way we reach all sponsors and what their needs are and we help drive value that way. 

[00:09:49] Brent Turner: So then let’s dig into that challenges question. You’ve got toa design the right opportunity. What’s getting in your way?

[00:10:14] Meg Fasy: I think creating a really engaging hybrid event can be expensive. And not all the time.

[00:10:25] There are definitely ways to do what you normally do and make it a hybrid event, but to drive some really cool opportunities where you are asking the virtual audience to participate. That can be fairly expensive. That’s probably the No. 1 challenge I see with hybrid.

[00:10:49] Brent Turner: I wanna use the expensive line and then also the design and prospectus. Ashley, we’ll come back to you on designing these activations. So I’m curious just as you’re looking at these programs and you’re looking at what’s being offered: You have all those same challenges, but if we sort of go to the more fun side, the question is, what’s new? What’s outside the box? What are the things that you want to say to somebody like a Meg? Not even while you’re designing it for your own event too, but when you’re thinking of activating at other events as a brand—what are things you wanna push on? What are things you want to see coming into these hybrid sponsorships? 

[00:11:29] Meg Fasy: It’s interesting. Everybody wants the shiny new product. But I think what’s kind of more interesting is what’s new today. So what are we doing today that we weren’t doing six months ago and six months before that and six months before that? And how the hybrid experience is basically a rollercoaster. The No. 1 variable you need to know when you’re creating sponsorships, utilizing digital or a hybrid event is where we are in the world. 

[00:12:08] For instance, when we went all digital in the beginning of this pandemic, everybody was jumping on happy hours left and right, right?

[00:12:18] I mean, I was on a happy hour every single night because we needed to connect. And then we’re two, three months in and I’m like, “Nope, done. I’m gonna turn my computer off.” And then I couldn’t sell a happy hour. And then in the fall we went back.

[00:12:36] So you have to really look at where we are in our environment right now. That’s more important than it’s ever been actually. I don’t know if we’ve ever taken that into account in sponsorship sales and creating sponsorships before now. And so that’s like the No. 1.

[00:13:00] Brent Turner: That’s a good point. 

[00:13:06] Meg Fasy: So I think the new shiny penny is really interesting, but super expensive. And I’ve only seen it once. And I have to explain it to you. 

[00:13:20] This is just one idea, right? But it’s so out there, I love to share it. So you have an in-person event and I am walking down the hallway in Mandalay Bay and I get a little ping on my phone and it says, “Brent or Ashley is standing next to you and wants to say hi.” So the virtual audience can connect with you, right in the middle of the conference. It’s an interesting technology. I think we’re a little bit further away from that, because it’s fairly expensive, but that’s kind of the new idea. How do we connect them? Connecting the virtual audience with the in-person is always the challenge.

[00:14:12] So we’re doing things like creating a broadcast theater or a session on the show floor where we will have a big screen for the audience. The digital audience will be almost sitting with the in-person audience and the questions can be asked. And they’re really very much part of that content.

[00:14:37] It’s a little harder to do in the virtual exhibit world. But it’s more about how to connect people on the show floor with content and then also engagement. So there are the old happy hours and whatever, but the happy hours are looking a little different now; they’re smaller and they have more intent. So I think that people want to engage and they want content and lead gen. 

[00:15:14] Brent Turner: Any kind of drinks, cocktails with people are a fantastic thing. Ashley, let’s flip to your side. 

[00:15:23] Ashley Jenkins: So as you can imagine with hybrid events, there are going to be tens of thousands of people connecting with you from their homes, from their offices, from their cities, and they aren’t necessarily able to travel to the in-person event or even feel comfortable traveling.

[00:15:41] I’ve seen a lot of companies host watch parties in different locations. And I think a creative way that you can think out of the box for events that have this kind of component, is to think about what your sponsorship presence is in those cities. Do you have localized field agents to go and attend those watch parties to show your brand, to bring swag, to live in that ecosystem of people who are in that city?

[00:16:11] I think that’s a really creative idea to make sure that you’re not just focusing on the in-person event, but you’re focusing on the web of other kinds of events that are happening in the hybrid capacity. Another thing that I think is super important is: Even with the online presence, sometimes you’re really confined to the structure of the event platform, the structure of the event. Maybe there’s not as much time as you would like to drive traffic to your booth. So think about what the offerings are from the prospectus. If there’s a push notification or a rotating banner, how can you promote something that’s taking place after the hours of actual programming? Maybe you could do a virtual event taking place afterwards, or if you’re promoting a smaller VIP event, maybe a week after that promote to some really high, key customers. Think of it like a full story; don’t think of it as just the event. You can do a lot of stuff outside of it, but activate through the platform and the prospectus.

[00:17:21] Meg Fasy: Yeah, it’s a good point, the pre- and post-event, because it extends the sponsorship opportunities. And even if you have some sort of sponsorship at the event, maybe add a pre or post, or depending on the conference or organization, you may wanna do something throughout the year that ties together with that.

[00:17:45] But we have done more pre and post opportunities in the last two years than I did in the last 10. 

[00:17:53] Brent Turner: I’m supposed to moderate, not talk, but one thing as you guys were talking that has really become crystallized for us for the last two weeks in newer sponsorship in these hybrid spaces is: It is complex.

[00:18:04] It is hard. All the things that you both have reflected on are starting to be very clear. From the what to the why. We are very good as event professionals to create boxes and then to label the things in the boxes and then tell the sponsorship team, “Here’s the boxes, here’s the labels, go sell those things.” It’s a very product mindset, which is great.

[00:18:24] Because it’s worked beautifully as an industry. The twist is to the why or to the type of engagement. So, do we look at the types of things we can do for the audience and put them into, say, three boxes, like learn, connect, and celebrate? And you start to build a prospectus where you’re saying, “All right brands, this is where you’re going to impact our attendees. Be our partner in helping our attendees learn. Here, brands: This part of your sponsorship is how you’re gonna connect.” Meg, your idea on connecting people, and the Mandalay Bay example, and then to celebrate.

[00:19:01] The mocktails, the cocktails, the remote viewing parties, that Ashley you were exploring: There’s still a time just to be happy to be together. Brands who are offering it and brands who are buying the sponsorships in that “celebrate” box—it’s an opportunity to make human connection, to be part of up-leveling that experience.

[00:19:19] So the learn, connect, celebrate: It’s always been in our language, but we’ve gotten really tight on providing value and designing for value around areas like that. Now I’m gonna go back to moderating and shut up.

[00:19:37] Meg Fasy: Brett, that’s a great point.

[00:19:38] I look at content, engagement, and lead gen as the three areas that people really want right now, you know? And, and I try and build sponsorship opportunities around those ideas—however, always with the lens of what experience is this for the attendee. 

[00:19:57] Brent Turner: All right, we got nine questions coming in.

[00:20:00] I have one more question for both of you as we go to the last part of the journey. So we’ve done strategy with design. Let’s talk sales and then while you’re talking sales, we’re gonna start diving into these questions. 

[00:20:13] So, in the sales bucket—this trend toward hybrid. We’re going to start with you, Meg, and then we’ll go to Ashley, as she’s looking at the buyer side, and you, Meg, are on the seller side. Meg, what is impacting sales right now? What are you seeing? What are the trends? 

[00:20:38] Meg Fasy: I’m gonna start with the trends, because they’re way more fun. I’m seeing a trend of virtual exhibit booths coming back into play. How I’m trying to sell them is as a full package. So it’s not just an exhibit booth with what you get within the exhibit booth, which is very important, but it’s also branding other marketing opportunities.

[00:21:04] It’s not just about the booth. It’s not just about that virtual real estate, because I think the exhibit booth has been hard from a virtual standpoint but has the capabilities to offer some great ROI. We just have to offer it in a way that makes sense for sponsors. And if it is like the one and only thing that they’re putting all their money to, and they’re putting all their hopes and dreams into it, depending on the event, that doesn’t always work. Right? 

[00:21:35] However, it can work if we are able to create a bigger sponsorship opportunity for them, making it a little bit more well rounded. So give them more opportunity. The virtual exhibit booth is one of the components. So that’s where I’m seeing the exhibit booth trend, but not kind of in and of itself, not as the main sponsor activation.

[00:22:05] From a selling perspective it’s really interesting because I will work with a group where I can’t give away a digital opportunity. And then I will work with groups that are like, “Well, what’s my digital opportunity.” So it’s very up in the air right now. The hybrid sponsorships, people want them if they make sense. More times than not, they want an in-person and a virtual more so than the hybrid. So they want two different experiences. They want to play in the in-person. They want to play in the digital. So they have exposure in both areas.

[00:22:53] Brent Turner: Nice. Ashley, is that mapping to you? Is that how you’re seeing it as you’re looking at buying these and considering where to bring Miro into the world? 

[00:23:01] Ashley Jenkins: Sure, of course. I want to say that price is actually one of the last things I look at when evaluating sponsorship perspectives. Obviously it’s important, but I kind of look at it very tactile. I want to see the audience demographics, and how it’s going toward our goals. We want to be able to close sales, at the end of the day. And so being able to have the audience demographics and the historical information of who’s attended the event, even if it’s anonymized.

[00:23:32] What percent is from an enterprise company, what percent is decision makers? How can we get our product into the face of people who can make a decision to purchase it? Cuz again, it’s tying back to the goals of what we’re trying to do with this sponsorship.

[00:23:50] So for lead generation, I’m also looking at the format, even the platform and the schedule. Oftentimes they won’t have the schedule released, but even if it’s a high-level overview of the schedule, when do the attendees get to interact with us? Oftentimes I’ll see events that are designed where there’s no time designated for sponsors at all. And so we have to compete 100% with the content, 100% with big keynote speakers. What are the drivers that are bringing these people into our booth? Is it included in the initial package, or is it an add-on? Is it a push notification? Is it a rotating banner?

[00:24:34] What is pushing them to visit our booth? And do we actually have a booth, or is it a static landing page? I make that differentiation because we need to have two-way engagement in order for it to be meaningful. And that’s how we’re evaluating it. We need to be able to showcase our product.

[00:24:52] Especially if we can’t get into the overall conference agenda, we need to be able to show the value of our product to our attendees. I think it’s super important to look at it really critically. What are the goals of the event? And then we’ll look at branding exposure and fun items that we can do.

[00:25:12] I will say as an event manager who’s evaluating sponsorships, I did appreciate one company who actually offered the ability for us to customize some packages. They left it open ended, and obviously we can work on the price and see what would that cost if we wanted to do X. But I think especially with virtual, there’s no standard. We’re still kind of reinventing the role every single time. And as we transition back to hybrid, it’s still going to be a lot of trial and error. So I think these event organizers need to be a little bit more flexible, because unless they have the historical data to back it up, I don’t know if I wanna buy an on-demand breakout session.

[00:26:00] I’ve done that in the past, and I need you to guarantee me or tell me historically that out of a 20,000 person conference, I will have, say, 10% of the attendees attend, not 1%. I need to see the data to back up what I’m paying for, because often it’s hit or miss. 

[00:26:17] Meg Fasy: Can I just say, I wish I could use the clapping component right now, Ashley, because you said so many great points. But one of them is that organizers need to understand that it is a different world for sponsors and they can’t necessarily depend on all the sponsors of years past.

[00:26:35] I’m working on a group right now that has had a conference for the last 12 years. And it is very a different sell this year than it was three years ago. Every anchor sponsor who has been there from the beginning is questioning—again, to your point, Ashley—what is the agenda.

[00:26:54] They wanna know, how much time do we have on the floor? Who’s there? What industry are they from? What level are they? Are they decision makers? The demographics are really important. And then the other thing is data analytics.

[00:27:14] Some of it’s already been there. I think organizations are clamoring for data around their sponsorship. And I think our two-year digital era has pushed our in-person experience to have to look at how we drive analytics to our sponsors. 

[00:27:38] Brent Turner: So between those two answers, you’re hitting almost all the top questions in the Q&A, so let’s go right to them. Ashley, the first two questions, I’m going to come back to you: Can you give some examples of how you handle follow-ups with leads from an event? Lead follow-up, virtual and in person: How are you handling them in this day and age? 

[00:28:09] Ashley Jenkins: I’m working closely with our marketing ops teams to let them know how we receive these leads. Was it a pure opt-in list that we got all registrants opted in to share their information?

[00:28:21] Those are pretty cold leads. Our sales team needs to have that context that we got 10,000 leads. Yay. But did they visit our booth? Couldn’t tell you. I love to be able to work on platforms where you do get that kind of granular data. This person clicked on a whitepaper, which was talking about our pricing structure. This person attended a demo. So obviously we’re at the mercy of what platform is being used and knowing upfront. That’s why I’m saying it’s extremely important to understand what you can get from the platform, and what you can get from the vendor or the company that’s sponsoring the event.

[00:29:03] Sometimes they won’t give you that list, which is fine, but then you have to make a much more dedicated strategy to get people to your booth so you can collect that lead. Did they request a follow up? Did they select or contact us? What type of lead is this?

[00:29:24] Following up with them, we always send a thank you for visiting our booth, plus any pertinent information. I saw that you were interested in learning more about our integration with X, X company. I think you would be interested in attending an event we have coming up. Again, consider having a post-event after the actual event as a main CTA to learn more, especially if you didn’t get that face time with them to actually then show them the product.

[00:29:51] Brent Turner: I want to stay with you on this, and the question is: How receptive are sponsors to having two booths, having the in-person and the virtual booth?

[00:30:12] Ashley Jenkins: I think sponsors are receptive. It does require more manpower on both ends, with their tech team, having to field any technical issues for the virtual platform, also being in-person with an actual vendor and then vice versa for us. If they’re happening concurrently, I can’t possibly be in both places at the same time.

[00:30:38] So I’ve seen it where—again, to Mike’s point—they put an emphasis on one or the other. And so it would be more of a static landing page, not two-way engagement virtually, and then you actually get the face-to-face time, which is really important. I would love to double down because it’s been a few years since we got to touch base with some of these people in person.

[00:31:03] Brent Turner: And then Meg, similar deal? It’s light on digital booths, heavy on the in-person booth for all those challenges. Is that a lot? 

[00:31:15] Meg Fasy: It is. And I would say that even if someone is going really robust in the in-person or really robust in the virtual, I think the name of the game now for sponsors is offering organizations an easy opportunity.

[00:31:33] So turnkey booths, that type of thing. Or like Ashley brought up earlier, the checklist on what you can get on your virtual platform. Because a lot of organizations are struggling with resources, and I don’t mean money. I mean staffing. The easier that we can make it for them, the better experience they’ll have.

[00:31:56] I see that a lot and I’m trying to create prospectuses that speak to that. 

[00:32:02] Brent Turner: So in our last two minutes before we throw back to Devin, how are you pricing online and in-person? Any tips or advice? 

[00:32:28] Meg Fasy: There’s no silver bullet here, right? It really depends on a couple variables. Depending on the group, if you’re having an in-person and virtual, depending what you’re offering in virtual, then you may only want to give them a slight discount on what you would spend or price in person.

[00:32:48] But if you’re only offering, maybe a streaming keynote and some prerecorded breakouts, then I would do 75% or 50%. But again, it’s hard to say that because every group is different. You may get a really good group that wants to go virtual and they’ll pay whatever. But that’s a tough one. I don’t see that happening very often. 

[00:33:14] Brent Turner: Ashley, you had a line a couple answers ago. You said, you’re not personally price oriented. You’re looking at the output. I just want you to go back to that. I’m just curious as we’re talking price on Meg’s side, like when you are considering the price tag on these, it sounds like price is in the mix, but it’s fourth or fifth on your list right now?

[00:33:33] Ashley Jenkins: It is in the mix. You know, you wanna go big or go home at the sponsorships. That’s our perspective. One thing in terms of price that I correlate again, it could really just depend on the event. There was a sponsorship opportunity where we paid it because we knew that this was a key event that we had to be at. And so then the money became intangible. It didn’t really correlate to participating. Another thing that I take mind of is, how many other sponsorships or sponsor packages are there? I’ve attended an event where there were six youth plus sponsors for a purely virtual event.

[00:34:19] That is a lot to compete with on top of the actual content. It’s great tha this particular company has millions and millions of followers, but in the grand scheme of things, what’s the traffic driver that’s getting people to a booth? What’s the UX of getting people to our booth?

[00:34:40] To actually be able to tap into that audience. If there aren’t mechanisms to justify it, just because a company has billions of followers, doesn’t really justify the cost. I think the organizers need to think a little bit more on, as the partnership, how can we help each other in really hearing the feedback and iterating on different prospects, even after an event’s completed?

[00:35:06] Meg Fasy: Ashley, that’s what I’m saying. You know, to just have a virtual booth in and of itself, if the organization is not willing to offer the passive data that they collect, it’s really hard to do an ROI when you’re in a big space. 

[00:35:24] Brent Turner: It’s hard. It’s complex. All right. So we’re about to bring Devin back on here and get everybody out of here on time.

[00:35:31] While he is coming on, a surprise question for you both. In a word, how are you feeling about the next six months?

[00:35:50] Meg Fasy: Excited. 

[00:35:52] Brent Turner: Ashley?

[00:35:55] Ashley Jenkins: I would say anxious. 

[00:35:57] Brent Turner: Oh, I’m right there: anxiously excited. Devin, take it away. 

[00:36:05] Devin Cleary: Awesome. No, I really appreciate all the words of wisdom today, and I hope that all of you have as well. I think my biggest takeaway: You really see the flexibility and the myriad of options available to each of you when you’re considering how you build your own prospectuses, as well as when you’re evaluating those third-party opportunities, whether it’s field marketing, industry events, or other types of programs.

[00:36:31] But one thing is for certain, it is really time for all of us as event professionals to think differently and really rebuild those sponsorship frameworks. I do want to thank Brent and Ashley and Meg for providing us with these great tips and best practices and some of the things that they’re talking about on a regular basis and how they screen their own programs moving forward.

[00:36:54] I hope that you take a lot of these snippets and be able to use them for your own strategizing and team discussions moving forward. You know, one thing at Bizzabo that we’re really trying to do is revolutionize the virtual experience, as well as bridge that hybrid gap, especially around engagement.

[00:37:12] The fun doesn’t really stop here. From today on, we really want you to continue that journey you’re taking with us today. We’d love to have a conversation with you and connect you to some of our experiential leaders within Bizzabo and talk about how you’re curating sponsorships and how you can leverage a lot of digital tools and tactics to further drive and increase that event ROI.

[00:37:33] Check out our Bizzabo blog and so many other resources on our social platforms, from Twitter to LinkedIn. I just want to give a big shout out to all of you today for taking the time to invest and learn more about sponsorship programs and these trends in the market. Have a great one.

[00:37:47] Wow, what a great conversation. So lively and fascinating. Thank you, Devin, Ashley, Meg, and Brent, for joining us on Event Experience. And thank you for listening. If you’re enjoying the show, we’d love to hear from you. Connect with us on social and feel free to share the show with your colleagues and friends.

[00:38:09] We’d also really appreciate it if you could subscribe, rate, and review us wherever you get your podcasts on behalf of the team. Thank you. We’ll see you next time for another episode of Event Experience.

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