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Event Industry Trends, Event Technology & Apps
13 May 2024 

Why Integrate a Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ Leader into Your Event Tech Stack

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
Chaviva Gordon-Bennett
Why Integrate a Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ Leader into Your Event Tech Stack

When looking for a new piece of technology, you probably head straight to platforms like Capterra, G2, and TrustRadius. 

With so many tech options, however, navigating these sites and finding the ideal solution to your problem can be a tall order. The sheer abundance of choices can overwhelm even the most seasoned events teams. From registration and ticketing platforms to virtual event tools and lead retrieval solutions, there’s a seemingly endless number of offerings on the market, each promising to revolutionize how your team plans and orchestrates events. 

Getting the best event ROI starts with selecting a top-tier event technology solution, and choosing a solution named a Gartner® Magic Quadrant Leader™ can make a big difference. These leaders have been rigorously evaluated and are recognized for their ability to execute and the completeness of their vision.

Gartner recently named Bizzabo a Magic Quadrant Leader in its inaugural quadrant for event tech, positioning it furthest for “Completeness of Vision,” which reflects “the vendor’s innovation, whether the vendor drives or follows the market, and if the vendor’s view of how the market will develop matches Gartner’s perspective.” And get this: As of May 6, 2024, Bizzabo is the only event tech solution 100% of users would recommend.

Are you considering reimaging your event tech stack? You’re in the right place.

Keep reading to learn more about why you should consider partnering with a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader, common event technology trends, the benefits of integrating a Quadrant Leader’s solution into your event tech stack, and how to make it happen. You’ll also hear some real-world stories of how organizations are using Bizzabo to transform their event strategy

Understanding the Value of Partnering with a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader

The Gartner Magic Quadrant is a trusted guide for businesses seeking technology solutions. It evaluates vendors based on the completeness of their vision and ability to execute. 

Being designated a Leader in this quadrant demonstrates market leadership and a proven track record for delivering on promises. Leaders possess the resources, expertise, and innovation needed to meet evolving market demands, making them desirable partners for organizations across industries.

Integrating a Leader into your event operations can transform how you plan and execute events. These solutions offer a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline every aspect of event management — from event registration and ticketing to attendee engagement and post-event surveys. By centralizing operations within a single platform, events teams can reduce complexity, minimize errors, and maximize efficiency — ultimately delivering a seamless experience for organizers and attendees.

Remember that Gartner doesn’t name any old company a Magic Quadrant Leader. The firm chooses vendors that offer innovative features that set the solution apart from competing ones, comprehensive functionality that addresses a wide range of user needs, and market responsiveness, which is demonstrated through timely updates and ongoing support. Leaders continuously invest in research and development to stay ahead of emerging trends and customer demands, ensuring that their solutions remain at the forefront of the industry.

By choosing a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader, you get access to more than a solution — you join forces with a strategic partner committed to driving success and innovation in the world of technology.

Photo Of People Sitting On Chairs

Gartner is always laser-focused on how technology is impacting the way we work. With that in mind, let’s examine five key event industry trends Gartner believes will transform events teams.

1. Personalization Is Impacting Attendee Engagement

Attendees today increasingly expect personalized experiences that cater to their preferences. With the right event management tools, teams can personalize attendee experiences through interactive sessions, unique engagement opportunities, and content that matches each attendee’s interests.

Creating a truly personalized event experience makes events more memorable and impactful, increasing the chances attendees decide to return next year.

2. Hybrid Events Are Here to Stay and Need Flexible Event Tech

According to a recent report, 70% of events are now hybrid. Moreover, 40.6% of event attendees say hybrid events are their favorite format. As hybrid events become more common, events teams will increasingly deploy versatile tech solutions that enable seamless integration of live streams, virtual networking, and interactive features. 

From robust streaming platforms to live chat and immersive virtual environments, adaptable tech solutions empower organizers to deliver engaging experiences regardless of attendees’ physical locations, ensuring inclusivity and maximizing event reach.

3. Smart Badges and Data Are Driving Real-time Decision-making

Events teams need to take a data-driven approach to making decisions. Wearable tech — like Bizzabo’s Klik SmartBadge™ — can be a true game-changer.

Not only do such devices improve the event experience by delivering unforgettable networking experiences — attendees can just tap their badges together to share contact info — they also give organizers valuable insights about how folks are moving around the facility. Organizers can use this information to make in-the-moment adjustments to optimize the experience in real-time.

4. Technology Consolidation Is Streamlining Event Planning and Management

More and more events teams aim to consolidate their tools into one platform. Instead of combining several point solutions — like investing in a standalone event ticketing system, a different email marketing solution, and yet another video streaming platform — leading teams are deploying robust solutions that give them all the tools they need in a single platform. 

As a result, they can operate more efficiently by automating repetitive processes, reducing errors, and providing real-time analytics for better decision-making. With streamlined communication and data management, organizers can focus more on crafting engaging event experiences instead of spending time copying data from one platform to the next.

5. Automation-first Tech Is Improving Operational Efficiency

Events teams increasingly leverage automation to streamline repetitive tasks, enhancing operational efficiency. Using automation, teams can manage registrations, send personalized communications, and handle logistical arrangements automatically.

With AI-driven scheduling and resource allocation, teams optimize time and resources, reducing manual errors and freeing time to focus on strategic planning and attendee engagement. Rather than focusing on the minutiae, events teams can use automation to unleash their creativity, delivering exceptional event experiences.

event technology trends 2024

4 Steps to Integrate a Gartner Leader Into Your Tech Stack  

Whenever you integrate new tools into your event tech stack, many things can go wrong. To increase the chances of a smooth deployment, follow these four steps:

  1. Train your staff: If you roll out many tools simultaneously, don’t be surprised if employees are slow to use them. You’re best off introducing new tools and gradually providing comprehensive training sessions to ensure your team understands the features and benefits of each capability. For the best results, offer ongoing support and resources to reinforce learning and encourage adoption. 
  2. Master change management: Some people will resist using new tools. Convince them to adopt the tech by implementing clear communication strategies, highlighting the advantages of the new tools, and addressing concerns promptly. Foster a culture of openness and adaptability, encouraging feedback and collaboration throughout the transition. 
  3. Manage data migration: To make the most of your new event tech, you must bring your data along for the ride. Start by conducting thorough audits of existing data to identify what’s relevant to migration, ensuring accuracy and consistency throughout the process. To keep your data safe and minimize disruptions, use secure transfer methods and verify data integrity before the migration.
  4. Ensure system compatibility: New tools should integrate with your existing stack. Before choosing a solution, research its interoperability capabilities and establish contingency plans to mitigate potential risks.

6 Benefits of Integrating a Gartner Leader Into Your Event Tech Stack

Investing in a Leader’s event tech solution gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you can keep pace with these trends. Gartner thoroughly vets all Leaders. When you join forces with a market leader, you can rest comfortably knowing that they’ll stay on the forefront of what’s possible in event tech — and bring you along for the ride. 

Here are some key advantages of working with a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader for Event Technology Platforms:

  1. Enhanced credibility and trust: By choosing a solution recognized as a Leader by Gartner, you signal to stakeholders that your tech stack is built on reliable, vetted technology. This endorsement can enhance your event’s credibility and attract more sponsors and attendees.
  2. Cutting-edge innovation: Gartner Leaders are often at the forefront of innovation, offering advanced features to keep your event ahead of technological trends. This might include sophisticated data analytics, integrated mobile solutions, or advanced registration tools.
  3. Comprehensive integration capabilities: A hallmark of Leaders in the Gartner Magic Quadrant is their ability to integrate smoothly with other technologies. This can simplify your tech ecosystem, ensure data flows seamlessly across platforms, and improve the user experience.
  4. Superior support and services: Gartner Leaders typically provide robust support and service offerings. Access to expert advice, extensive knowledge bases, and responsive customer service can help resolve issues quickly, minimizing downtime.
  5. Scalability and flexibility: A Gartner Leader’s solution will likely scale effectively as your event needs grow and change. Whether you’re expanding your attendee list, diversifying event types, or needing more customized options, these platforms can adapt to complex demands.
  6. Proven track record of success: Leaders in the Gartner Magic Quadrant have a proven track record of delivering results. Implementing their solutions can lead to improved attendee satisfaction, increased engagement, and higher return on investment.

By integrating a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader into your event tech stack, you not only leverage these benefits but also position your events at the cutting edge of industry standards, ensuring they deliver exceptional value and experiences.

Case Studies from a Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader

To give you a better idea of what Bizzabo looks like in the real world, here are three quick case study summaries of how our customers have used our event tech:

DPW Amsterdam

DPW amsterdam klik smartbadges by bizzabo

Rather than run events with several point solutions, DPW migrated to Bizzabo to consolidate its event tech stack. In October 2023, the organization launched a hybrid event with 1,250 attendees and thousands more joining virtually. DPW leveraged the Klik SmartBadge, which attendees used to make 16,571 contact exchanges! Read the full case study to learn more.

Customer Contact Week

After its existing event tech tools crashed at the worst time, CMP began searching for a new solution. The team was already familiar with Bizzabo, so they studied it further and were sold upon learning about the platform’s feature-rich nature, its scalability, and the addition of the Klik SmartBadge. Using the SmartBadge, CMP boosted exhibitor leads by 315% and is eager to continue using it at future events. Read the case study to learn more.

Piano Academy Live

piano bizzabo case study

Piano’s marketing team had been using multiple leading event tech solutions to power its events and focused mainly on virtual. The need for a comprehensive platform became evident as they planned their in-person conference, Piano Academy Live

The team chose Bizzabo for its ability to consolidate various event management aspects into one platform. This choice was driven by the need for a system that could handle sophisticated event orchestration, including registration, talk tracks, logistics, and a mobile app — plus the Bizzabox! Read the case study to learn more.

Choose Bizzabo: The Leader in Future-proofing Your Event Strategy

By partnering with Bizzabo, you get an all-in-one, easy-to-use event tech solution that helps prepare you for future trends and market shifts. Our team is committed to staying at the leading edge of what’s possible in event tech, and we love shipping innovative new features to our customers. 

But don’t just take our word for it: That’s one of the key reasons Gartner named us a Leader in the Magic Quadrant! Here’s what we underwent as part of the process:

  • We spent 10+ years building the Event Experience OS.
  • We filled out a 15-section survey.
  • We executed a 60-minute demo.
  • We presented a 45-minute executive briefing.
  • We sent Gartner 10+ customer references and verified reviews.

With all the tools you need to orchestrate unforgettable events available through a single pane of glass, Bizzabo makes it easy to transform your event strategy and deliver exceptional experiences to attendees — every time.

Events teams need to be adaptable and able to scale their event strategies at a moment’s notice. We understand the unpredictable business climate we operate in these days, which is why we recently rolled out a new pricing package, Unleash, which insulates you from unpredictable metrics like registrations. 

Are you happy with the results your event tech stack is delivering? Request a demo of Bizzabo today to learn more about how you can streamline your current event operation workflows while building a future-proofed event strategy that enables you to transform your event ROI like never before.

gartner magic quadrant event technology platforms bizzabo

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